My journey north on the M5,M42 and M1 was a doddle compared to my last section up to Cheltenham.
I'm visiting my eldest daughters and their families.
I'm granddad to these lovely young people.
I won't be uploading many pictures of them on this post since I've already put lots of them on the top social networking site.
An interesting sky above Keadby.
Spending a little time with the youngsters and visiting old friends took priority over taking pictures but a visit to the Peoples Park in Grimsby saw us visit the Floral Hall and Animal House.
Here I took a few pictures
It's well worth a visit.
There's a good look at it's refurbishment on this link
(The spider's real by the way)
Here's an interesting front garden.
Another old classic
Back in Keadby
Keadby Canal was adjacent to my place of work on Keadby Wharf for a number of years.
I can't believe how clogged up with algae it is.
With dusk coming earlier as Autumn approaches we did a little bat spotting and evading them.
That was fun.
A friendly looking moggy
Scunthorpe steel on rail wagons is the view this young cyclist (who just happens to be my granddaughter) is seeing.
Guinea Fowl near Keadby
And it's goodbye to Lincolnshire, I'm heading back to Galloway after my whistle stop round trip.
It was great to see you all.
I've done some mileage.I calculate about 1200 with all the extra running around.
I've done some mileage.I calculate about 1200 with all the extra running around.
Bye bye till next time.