It's Saturday the 23rd of August and we're walking from Whitefield Loch to Knock Fell.The round trip is about six miles with nothing too strenuous.
Fourteen Homo Sapiens and one canine(Curly)on todays walk.
A gradual rise soon gives us views behind of the Mull of Galloway over wonderful Luce Bay.
Although only 175 Mtrs or 574 Ft,our target of Knock Fell stands prominent.
'Step we gaily on we go'.Perhaps at one time there was a 'Mairi's Wedding' along this track.

Now we reach Knock of Luce Farm,where we see exotic Geese,Ducks,Chickens and other fowl.
There are gypsy caravans..
..gypsy vanners..
..and lots..
..of other horses.. pull them.

It's a winding and zigzag path taking us up Knock Fell,so the climb isn't too severe.

It's not long till we're at the top admiring the views,and taking an interest in the TV aerials up here.I just hope we didn't interfere with anyones reception.
There's a beautiful view looking back towards Luce Bay.In the centre of the picture is Knock of Luce cottage.
Now dropping down out of the wind at the top we have our lunch.
As pointed out earlier this is quite a small hill,but the panoramic views are beautiful.They'd be even better on a clearer day.
Here to the north is Artfield Fell windfarm.
Over to the east and north east are the Galloway Hills..
..and below us sheep peacefully graze.
Lunch over we begin to make our way back.A different way down gives us another lovely view of Luce Bay and the Mull of Galloway.
Now we're back on the farm track and keeping a lookout for small fierce woolly creatures.
We make our way back to the cars,where rucksacks are abandoned,and we take a walk round the far side of Whitefield Loch.
There's a few fishermen dotted around the loch.It looks an excellent day for fishing-until the rain comes that is.

There are notices at various intervals with some of the local history of the area.
On this far side of the loch used to sit a magnificent mansion built in the Scottish Baronial style.Due to a series of events(Don't ask me,i don't know)Craigenveoch Castle was abandon and fell into disrepair,eventually being demolished in the 1950's.
This is how it looks now.

Now at the far side of the loch is a sensory 'Woodland Garden'provided by
The National Schizophrenia Fellowship(Scotland).
This is a lovely place..
..with a platform on the loch..
..where otters abound..
..and a very informative notice explains the reasoning behind it all.
Very pleasant.
The short distance back to the other side saw the end of a very enjoyable and not too strenuous walk.
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