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Showing posts with label Wigtownshire Ramblers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wigtownshire Ramblers. Show all posts

Sunday, 26 April 2015

Wigtownshire Ramblers Loch Whinyeon Glengap April 2015

This could be my last post for a week or two.
I missed this walk due to my damaged knee not being up to twelve miles.

Saturday the 25th of April
This is a walk we did back in 2011

The Weaver was walk leader and her excellent report will follow the few pictures received courtesy of 
Shorty and the Chef.

Here's the Weaver's Report

After a brilliantly sunny week it was once more a dull day for the ramblers walk this week. However 19 walkers turned out and met at the Murray centre car park, in Gatehouse, for a twelve mile walk of forest, moor and loch.

The ramble started with a gentle stroll through the woods by the Bush Burn where the banks were bedecked with delicate wood anemones and the faint blue of opening bluebells. Robbers’ Gate was the first stop, to read of the apprehension and hanging of villains who had waylaid their victims near this spot in 1819. A short walk along the road followed, by the wall of the Cally park, built in 1823 and renovated in 2010.

It was an uphill trek which took the party to the woods at Disdow and then a gradual climb along the forest road, past recent logging stacks, to a narrow neck of woodland where a barbed wire fence was negotiated to gain access to fields above High Barlay. Views down to the golf course and over to the distant hills of Cairnsmore and the Clints of Drummore were enjoyed where trees have been recently felled.

After crossing a small burn the walkers had a track through the fields to follow, until moorland approaching Loch Whinyeon was reached. As there had not been much rain recently it was not too boggy and views widened, looking over Gatehouse to the south and eventually Loch Whinyeon itself, spread out to the north, calm and lonely. Between the hills here two hut circles were examined, well preserved with entrances quite clearly to be seen.

A sheltered lunch spot was found by the dam where two geese were disturbed cropping the well-trimmed grass and cuckoo calls resounded across the forest. The dam was formed in 1785, using soil displaced from a tunnel, which took the water four miles down to Gatehouse, giving a good and constant supply for its mills.

Water from the loch is now led off to the east underground to the new Glengap Water Treatment works, the route that the walkers took along the forest road, eventually leading to the old works, built in 1939, renovated in 1986 and now slowly being transformed into flats. Along the way rubbish was picked up and deposited in an accommodating farmer’s dustbin just by the tiny village of Glengap.

A short distance along the council road brought the ramblers to Glengap Bridge where once again the forest was entered alongside the Fuffock Burn. A gentle uphill climb led to a crossing point into Irelandton Moor where the walkers ran into cows and calves, making a detour necessary across the tussocky hills instead of walking along a shell road which makes access to this land very easy. The way was enlivened by the sight of kites flying close above, wheeling round so that everyone had a good view. A yellow lizard was also seen scuttling between the tussocks and boggy pools.

Crossing a wall along the edge of the moor a grassy path was reached where dappled sunshine filtered through the trees on Winnie Hill and made a peaceful ending to the off road walking. Good views across the bay and a downhill walk back to the Robbers’ Gate and the cars completed this long but varied and pleasant walk.

Next week, on May 2nd,there is a choice of a nine mile jaunt along coast and hill in South Ayrshire, or a lower coast path walk from Ballantrae to Finnarts Bay (bring your bus pass), both starting at Finnarts Bay fish factory. For both walks meet at Riverside, Newton Stewart, 9am, Breastworks, Stranraer, 9.15am or the Fish Factory, 10am NX 052 727. If going straight to the start or a new walker wishing to join us, please phone walk leader – for the hill walk 01776 703447, for the lower walk 01581 200256. All are most welcome.

Monday, 20 April 2015

Wigtownshire Ramblers Torhouse Stone Circle to the Bladnoch April 2015

Saturday the 18th of April
This was a new walk incorporating part of a previous walk I led.
My walk report will follow the pictures.
Since I was leading my opportunities for taking pictures was limited so I'll include a few recce pictures.
After leaving four cars at Bladnoch for ferrying drivers back, we made our way back to the walk start. 

Twenty four walkers gathered round the mysterious Torhouse Standing Stones circle.

Unfortunately due to the lambing season, the first part of the walk had to be changed at the last minute resulting in more road walking than I'd planned.  

One good thing !
I wouldn't have got these gorgeous creatures at Redbrae if we hadn't walked along the road.

This was the first time I ever had the feeling that I was being watched by a tree.

Even Skunk Cabbage makes for a lovely picture.

Entering the grounds of Torhousemuir House

The year of the additions in the Victorian era

The 1871 date is on the wing to the right.

A friendly dog greets the group

The croft grounds of Barnanchor

Mossend, the former home of Joe Whiteford, the author of the book,

A break to view Hill View Croft.

A Balmeg cat

Passing Balmeg

A field to cross near Balmeg

Clauchrie Forest Road end

Lunch on the banks of the Bladnoch and by Torhouse Mill

We saw several herons on the recce

A yellow grey wagtail.
Thanks to TwoSticks for the correction. 

Torhouse Trout Farm Tour
Mark Davies, trout farm owner and tour guide.

Some fine specimen of Rainbow trout

Mark also works in conjunction with the
Galloway Fisheries Trust and

Raceways and size grading machine

Mark concludes an excellent tour and encourages us to eat more fish, especially trout, and particularly from ASDA

Passing Newmilns.
Time for me to count walkers.
They wouldn't go along with my idea of calling out their numbers from the front.
Come in number 24 !

Power and Plant

Approaching the Cotland Plantation

Bladnoch riverside to the distillery

Otter tracks at Bladnoch

View from Bladnoch Bridge and the walk finish.
Well done to those walkers who added another 1.3 miles to the Bayview Bistro at Wigtown.

Update Monday
Just received a couple of nice pictures from Miss Goodnight

Lunchtime on the Bladnoch

Here's the walk report.
Wigtownshire Ramblers Saturday the 18th of April

24 walkers gathered at the Torhouse Standing Stones for the walk start. A plaque in the enclosure gave an account of the history of the stones. Local tradition maintains that it is the site of King Galdus's Tomb. 
After the leader outlined the route we began the walk in single file along the B733 towards Wigtown where after half a mile we turned north east onto the road to Torhousemuir. It's lambing season and in the sunshine the feeling was that spring had arrived. We passed the time of day with the local farmer before continuing up the lane to Torhousemuir House. 
Here the leader read out some of the house's history. Previous illustrious owners included Sir Archibald Woollaston White, Lt.-Cdr. Charles David Orr Ewing, Lord John Percy Samuel FitzRoy, and General James McHaffie who began dividing the land into what became the only crofting community in the South of Scotland. 
We were pleasantly surprised when a lady resident of the present owners came out and talked to us. We thank them for allowing us to view their beautiful house and estate.
Resuming the walk we now made a circuit of the estate around some of the original crofts. Not all are in ruins and the likes of Knockskeog, Meadowbank and Balmeg are now farms in their own right.
Our walk leader had with him for reference Joe Whiteford's book 'Memories of a Wigtownshire Crofter' and among the ruins we looked at was Mossend where he was raised. Descendants of a number of the crofters still farm and live locally. 
On reaching Balmeg, we now carefully crossed a dyke to enter Clauchrie forest. Though tree felling has been considerable it was good to see that many new trees have been planted. We carefully crossed the edge of the felled area to reach the forest farm track back down to the Wigtown/Kircowan road.
A short distance away we reached the Torhouse Mill road and were soon on the banks of the beautiful Bladnoch enjoying lunch.
A yellow wagtail flittered back and forth.
After lunch we looked around where some of the original mill stood. We could still make out the wheelpit and the lade. The lade is now in use for the Torhouse Trout farm, more of which we were about to learn.
We were soon greeted by the owner proprietor Mr Mark Davies who had generously agreed to give us a tour of the trout farm. Back in 1792 a 'Waulkmill' on this site employed 40 workers making "plaiding and flannel" for export to England.  
We began the tour in the hatchery learning of the Rainbow trout's feeding and growth before continuing out to the larger rearing tanks, ponds and raceways. We saw and learned of their progress from egg to Asda.  
It was fascinating to see the fish in their respective sizes of development. A vote of thanks and three cheers went to Mr Davies for the insight into how amazingly fresh our fish is in the supermarket.
We now continued the walk following the river to reach Newmilns, the site of another one time Farina mill. The wheelpit of this mill is also quite intact. 
Duckboards now aided our progress back onto the path along the riverside before we entered a grass field. 
Two more gates and fields led us to the edge of the Cotland Plantation. 
A small assault course of an electric fence, a barbed wire fence and a short steep drop, strewn with broken branches, brought us back onto the riverside path.
The 18th-century historian of the county Samuel Robinson noted that this was the finest scenery of the whole fifteen miles of the Bladnoch and we were inclined to agree. Though we were too big a group today to see any, otters and kingfishers are known to be in numbers along this stretch of water. We at the front were delighted to see a majestic heron taking off by the weir, the beginning of the distillery lade. Across the river is the Kirwaugh plantation and is a favourite spot for salmon fishing, the Linghoor Pool being known as one of Scotland's finest.
A number of fallen trees were safely negotiated to bring us to the distillery at Bladnoch where otter tracks were spotted.
Here was the end of the walk and drivers were ferried back to their vehicles. A number of walkers continued to walk the remaining 1.3 miles to the Wigtown Bayview Bistro who as always excelled in providing delicious after walk refreshments and drinks. A fitting end to a good day and a well done to those walkers who completed the extra distance.

Next week walk is a B- twelve mile 'Woods and Moorland' circular walk from Gatehouse of Fleet to Loch Whinyeon and Glengap. Meet at the Breastworks car park in Stranraer at 8.45 am or the Riverside car park in Newton Stewart at 9.15 am for car sharing. The walk start is at Cally Woods Car Park (NX 605 561) at 10am. If going straight to the walk start or considering joining us, please phone the walk leader on 01776 840226 first.

UPDATE 20th April 2015

How could I have forgotten the mini rally we just caught at the Bladnoch.

Sunday, 12 April 2015

Wigtownshire Ramblers Two Walks - Wood of Cree to Loch Middle - Caldons to Larg Hill - April 2015

Saturday 11th April 2015
Due to the scheduled walk up Larg Hill being a strenuous 'A' walk, an easier low level walk had been arranged for those walkers who weren't keen on the climb.
Because of my continued knee problem I opted for the easier walk.

The low level walk leader was A'OK and her report and the Musician's report of the high level walk will follow the pictures.
Previous walks to Loch Middle include

The previous walks up Larg led by myself were 
July 2011 Recce (ha ha)

Leaving the RSPB car park

One of many waterfalls in the Wood of Cree.

Wood samples and details

Gate beyond Cordorcan

Forest Road 

A pair of Greylag geese

Loch Middle

Post coffee break

Preparing to resume walk

A long zoom to the slopes of Larg Hill

Forest Road past Craig Murchie

Another long zoom, this time it's Knock Fell (can't argue it's not a real walk Shorty)

A lot of felled timber since our last walk up here.

Back at Cordorcan

Cordorcan ruins


A bridge crossing

Information boards

An ideal ready made lunch spot 

Following the Pulhowan Burn

Forests of moss

Leaving the viewpoint.

Pulhowan Burn Grey Mare's Tail

Here are the pictures I've received of the

Climb to Larg Hill 

If I receive any more I'll update the post.
The Caldon's Burn

Shelter ! at the Nick of the Brushy

Fine weather on the recce..................

.............a bit cooler on walk day

A break at Loch Middle on recce day

13th April
I've received the following fine selection of pictures from

'The Mambo Number 5 Girl' 

On the move with a view to the North

 Lunch time Nick of the Brushy

 Bennan, Benyellery and the Merrick

 Cree Estuary view

Shorty's first climb of Larg
( I'm thinking he's probably bagged the full range of the Minnigaff hills now )


Same as previous only more panoramic

View down to Loch Middle
A very nice set of pictures

Monday the 13th of April..........later
I've now received some pictures from

Geo and the Croupier

 Larg Summit

 As Shorty points out hills, the 'Croupier' gets her picture taken.

 Looking towards Cairnsmore of Fleet.
The well built drystane dyke survives all weathers

 Curleywee view

 Shorty again.
Looks like Larg's westerly summit

 Panorama with Lamachan behind Larg's eastern summit and the Awful Hand range to the left.

 Descending Punch Well Brae

'Geo' on Punch Well Brae.
Another fine set of pictures.

Thursday night's moon

Here's the reports
Ramblers Saturday 11th April

Two walks were planned for this week. The first, a 9 mile strenuous walks from Caldons, over Larg Hill to the Wood of Cree and the second an easy 6 mile stroll around the Wood of Cree and up to Loch Middle.
This first was a linear walk starting at Caldons a previous campsite at the southwest end of Loch Trool, climbing Larg Hill and finishing at the Wood of Cree car park near the otter pool on the River Cree. Therefore cars were left at each end.
 The morning was dry after a wet night and there was a light snow covering on the Minnigaff Hills. The clouds were moving to the East so that the summit of Larg cleared.
 Sixteen of us gathered for this walk and were welcomed by the leader. All were suitably attired and ready to walk in the snow. The walk had been checked out on Monday, a hot day when suntan cream had to be used! We had a pretty walk through Caldons woods and crossed Caldons burn to the west side to walk gradually uphill. The ground was, of course, wet and in some places very boggy but spotting numerous waterfalls was compensation.
We emerged from the forestry area to follow the Mulmein burn and squelched away across the Mulmein moss. Looking back, the sunshine and snow on Benyellary and the Merrick was a picture. We had passed Craignaw on our right and we were heading for the Nick of the Brushy. Out in the open, wind proof gear was necessary as we headed for the dyke as marked on the map. We waited for our lunch break until we reached the Nick and found what was initially a lovely sheltered place out of the wind with a beautiful view as far as the Cree estuary and the sea. The wind then shifted a little and we found ourselves in a wind gully, so everyone having eaten we set off again. To reach the summit we had the full force of the cold wind from the North West but the sun kept appearing between the clouds. From the summits of Larg, 676m and 660m, we had terrific views all round especially back to Curleywee and Milfore and as far as Ailsa Craig to the North West. The broad short grassed ridge was pleasant to walk and again, following the dyke, we eventually reached the tussocks of the forest ride. Once the track was reached, after a brief discussion we headed on for Loch Middle which was a very pretty place for us to have our tea break. We completed our 9.5 mile walk down the forest track and through the Wood of Cree where it was pleasing to see the first primroses as well as more lovely waterfalls.
 It appeared that everyone had enjoyed their walk and people and cars were reunited for the onward journey, some pausing for tea at the Brig End café in Newton Stewart.

Meanwhile the second group had set off up the northern side of the Wood of Cree in bright sunshine. Spirits were high as we walked alongside the laughing waters of the Cordorcan burn. The chattering of the group precluded us from hearing any bird calls, except those of alarm, as the walkers climbed steadily towards the top of the wood. Here we left the RSPB reserve and headed up the forest road towards Loch Middle. Trees had been felled all about us, no doubt as a result of the disease affecting the larch. However, two diggers, idle today, had been busy dolloping (creating little lumps of earth) where young saplings would eventually be planted and the wood brought to life again.
As we rounded a bend we could see Craigmurchie on our left, but to our right we were dismayed to see the snow covered top of Larg Hill, the destination of our other group. We hoped they were not getting too cold, or finding the terrain too difficult up there.
Another mile further on the tranquil waters of the Loch came into view and soon we were on its shores where we found a sheltered spot out of the wind to take a coffee break. We were able to watch several geese in the distance already pairing up for the breeding season.
After coffee we retraced our steps towards the Wood of Cree. We were passed by a lone cyclist who seemed to be finding the going tough and then by a couple of holiday makers from Suffolk who were staying in the remote and isolated cottage at Cordorcan. They were relishing the peace and beauty of the area, no doubt a huge change from the bustle of life in the South
On re-entering the wood we took the path to the north and soon reached the top of the hill where we were delighted to find that the RSPB had provided the perfect picnic sight for us -the stumps of felled trees just at sitting height.
After lunch we followed the path alongside the Pulhowan burn to the lookout point above the waterfall with views across the River Cree. The waterfall was not as impressive as in the past after the dry spell of weather and as it was difficult to squash all twenty two of us into the small space at the view point we soon continued along the path through the forest of young saplings covered In thick green moss, which gave them a strangely animalistic appearance. Meercat and rabbit shapes were clearly visible to those with an overactive imagination. Along the way we spotted the early flowerings of primroses, wood anemones and bright blue speedwell.
We emerged from the wood just as a black cloud threatened to empty itself upon us. Nevertheless we wandered along the path to visit the otters’ pool with little hope of seeing the creatures at that time of day.
We completed our day with a visit to the Belted Galloway where we received our customary warm welcome and a great selection of freshly made scones.
Next week there is a seven and a half mile walk from Torhousekie Stone Circle to Bladnoch which includes a tour of the fish farm. Meet at the Breastworks car park in Stranraer at 9.15am or the Riverside car park in Newton Stewart at 9.30am for car sharing. The walk starts at Torhousekie Stone Circle (NX 382 564) at 10am. Thinking of going straight to the start or of joining our group?  Please phone the walk leader on 01671 403351 first.

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Morning deer

Morning deer
is someone watching me