Here's an interesting item from the Stranraer-Freepress.
A NEWTON Stewart company
that designs socks featuring
Biblical motifs is in Canada
this week to launch its latest
range — Holy Kilt Socks.
Company founder Marga-
ret Wyllie will be exhibiting at
Marketsquare International
hosted by the Christian Trade
The trade fair is at the
Delta Meadowvale Resort and
Conference Centre in Mississ-
auga. Greater Toronto from
today (Thursday) to Saturday.
Margaret, who runs her
business from Newton Stew-
art, founded Holy Socks more
than seven years ago.
Since then her designs —
and accompanying stories —
have been sent around the
world and are favourites at
cathedral shops and Christian
outlets throughout the United
All the designs are inspired
by Biblical verses, characters
or stories — from Pharaoh's
Fat and Thin Cows, and Crook
and Sheep, to the original
Holy Socks Cross design.
It was only a matter of time
before kilt socks were added
to the range.
She said: "I don't know how
many times we've been asked
for kilt socks over the years
and now we have our first
"The arrival of the kilt
socks has coincided with the
Marketsquare International in
Canada. We felt it was a great
opportunity to launch the
socks in a country which has
close ties with Scotland."
The new kilt sock design is
produced by Ladkin of Leices-
ter — one of the UK's leading
hosiery manufactuers — and
shows a Crown embroidered
on the turn-down of the sock.
The new socks were mod-
elled by Margaret's minister,
Reverend Edward Lyons of
Penninghame St John's, New-
ton Stewart, along with resi-
dents Vie Pitcher and Johnny
Margaret's Canadian trip is
being supported by Scottish
Enterprise, Dumfries and
Impressive "Holy Kilt Socks" wasn't aware they were manufactured in Newton Stewart.