N.B The following blogs will be fairly short due to limited connectivity.In other words i'll be out of reach.I'm up nice and early to start my Island hopping trip.
Leaving a rainy and overcast Newton Stewart,i take the New Galloway and Ayr road up to Ardrossan.I'm early enough to see the earlier ferry pull out.
Still that let me go to the Asda cafe near the ferry terminal to have a great breakfast and pot of tea for £2.75.
A quick look along the coast and it's soon time to get the ferry.

Caledonian McBrayne have the franchise in these parts,and todays trip takes 55 minutes.

The weather by now is picking up,and a lot of people take to the top deck...
The views are great.
Goat Fell has a wee cloud around the summit.

After booking in my B & B i head out for a touch of exploration.Here's a different view of Holy Isle than i normally take.

Wouldn't you like to live here...that's a great view of Goat Fell.

Further exploration brings a view of Ailsa Craig and my Galloway home behind.Seals on rocks,waterfalls..is that a dinosaur i see.Rugged rocky outlook...and a sign that says Goat Fell is only three and a half miles.

And this is Blackwaterfoot on the west coast where i;m staying.I'm in the Kinloch Best Western blogging this.It's still daylight and gone eleven,and i'm talking to a couple from Batley and drinking Guiness.Goat Fell here i come.Ah it's a great life.
I'm very envious!! Have a great trip and enjoy Goat Fell. I remember camping in the valley below - almost or perhaps even over 40 years ago!!