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Friday, 16 April 2010
It's Thursday the 15th 0f April 2010,and I'm revisiting Pibble Hill and Mines to take a closer look. Last visit
After parking at the Clints of Dromore carpark,I head for the top of Pibble.It's a bit overcast,but there's still a few nice views.I'm being watched by a drystone wall !
I'm heading down to the mines now. There are numerous stone piles around. I found three adits.There's possibly more.Some entrances may have caved in. The first two are pretty well flooded.Wellington boots or bare feet would be the answer.I don't fancy the bare feet option,and since I've no wellies with me this is as close as i get. The third one though is drier.There's horizontal and vertical shafts here.I didn't venture too far in. Assessments and surveys were carried out in 2002 for 'Scotlands Places', the results of which can be found here. Scotlands Places Here's a cropped portion of a macro picture I took. Any guesses ?
The full picture gives it away. It took 8 attempts before I got the timing right.
This is the Cornish engine pumping house. The arch windows were solidly built. The caved in well has some funny looking albino spiders swimming around. Here's a couple of interesting looking rocks. I couldn't figure out whether this contraption was associated with the mining or agricultural.I think it's probably an old piece of farming machinery. (For a closer look,after opening the picture a further click on the picture will give a good magnification) Heading back over the moors to the carpark I came across a number of bones.Deer and sheep at a guess. A bit of camera fun ended a very interesting walk.
Hi Dad, Ive just read this blog. I love the cave spiders. The mones look really exciting though dangerous. Good photos as usual.