Friday May the 28th 2010.
It's a clear sunny day,so a pre planned walk with a couple of ramblers looked good.
There'll be three of us walking today, myself, Slewtrain and the Station Master.
I've blogged this walk and sections of it fairly regularly over the last few years so the pictures will suffice today.

Occasionally windy, but most of this walk was done in sunshine.It's a great coastline.As well as the Isle of Man,we could pick out individual Cumbrian mountains today.

There were a few herons on the route.This one allowed me a take off picture.

A colourful view over to Cruggleton Castle.Although we had a short break at Cruggleton,this is the only picture I took of it today.

Bluebells and wild garlic were predominant today,though many other species bloomed as well.

Below Cruggleton where we took a break,this lone cormorant has the company of several seagulls.
Scaffolding has been erected around the remains of Cruggleton Castle.It's possible that my prediction of it's imminent collapse might have been premature.

A moving tractor and a rotating wind turbine are magically frozen in time with the help of digital technology.The wind turbine has been erected since we were last this way.

Here's just a few of the farm animals we encountered.


This lovely flower was growing at the side of the road near the Isle of Whithorn.I can't seem to find it in my wild flower catalogue.

Maybe someone can identify it and let us know.
A very enjoyable walk gentlemen,thank you for your company.
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