Monday 27 December 2010

Wigtownshire Ramblers-Stroan Bridge to Loch Trool-Boxing Day 2010

As I write this the day after,it's been raining all night,and there's no sign of snow or ice.The temporary thaw has arrived.At least I'm led to believe it's temporary,It's supposed to return sometime soon.

It's Boxing Day and our last walk of 2010.Because I posted my recce of this walk,this wont be a particularly long post.
I'll also be using the press report for the blog text.

Ramblers Report
24th December 2010

Seventeen walkers met at Stroan Bridge on Boxing Day to walk off the excesses of Christmas.New walkers were given a warm welcome.
Due to road and weather conditions the original planned walk from Bruce's Stone had been rerouted.
They began by following the path south alongside the Water of Minnoch.
Prolonged below zero temperatures and very little rain have caused much of the river to freeze.Frozen waterfalls and odd shaped ice accumulations have made the river resemble an arctic backwater.
Icicles hang like organ pipes,and what water is flowing create shadowy movements below the ice before emerging in a bubbling frenzy to continue in zig zag channels on its way south.

They continued south till reaching the Water of Trool where the path turned east.
After crossing the new footbridge at the Black Loup they now followed the route of the Southern Upland Way.Snow and ice underfoot is slowly thawing.

On the river the frozen theme continued.Different hues and shades on the ice created colourful pictures.

Along here a couple of roe deer were spotted taking cover in the woods.

Reaching the woods at Caldons a slight detour was taken to look at the Martyrs Tomb.
History tells that this was a particularly savage killing with six covenanters being disturbed at prayer, and shot and buried where they were slain.

These were one of two groups of walkers we encountered today.I told them I'd be posting their picture.If you happen across this post at all folks,I hope you had a lovely day.

After crossing over Caldons bridge they now made their way to the lochside where lunch was taken.A festive bottle of home made wine was shared out.
Close to shore the thickness of the ice was tested.

The walk leader and deputy walk leader were the most intrepid.(or should that be daftest)

After lunch they continued along Kenmure Moss to the woods from where they made their way to the tarmac road.

From here they turned back west,carefully crossing a very icy stretch of road before reaching the yellow trail way markers opposite the Caldons road.

A steady climb brought them up through the woods to the Torr Lane burn and the Spout Head waterfall.As the water flowed underneath,vertical sheets of ice reached up to the top of the falls.

Continuing on they passed by the old sheep pens above Stroan House before reaching an area where trees had recently been felled.
Large stacks of Sitka and Norway Spruce lined the roadside.

The last stretch brought them back to Stroan Bridge and the end of the walk.
Thanks to Scoop for her contribution of pictures which include this last group photo.

The meeting wasn't quite over yet though.The group now made their way back to the group secretarys house in Newton Stewart where she and her husband had laid on a festive treat with Mulled Wine,Mince Pies,Christmas Cake,Tea,Coffee and other delicasies.A fitting end to a lovely walk.

The next walk,in the New Year on the 2nd of January will be a ' New Year Revolution' walk from Cairngaan near the Mull of Galloway.

Meet at the Riverside car park Newton Stewart at 9.00am,the Breastworks,Stranraer at 9.30am for car sharing,or near the walk start at Cairngaan (NX 128 319) at 10.00am

New members are always welcome,for more information or if going to the walk start,contact the walk leader on 01776 840226

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