Tuesday 1 March 2011

Out and About Again

A few short walks and outings over recent weeks have collectively accumulated enough photographs for this blog.
I'll indicate the view underneath each picture.
Merton Hall

Mill Hill,Barclye

View from Mill Hill to Penninghame

Close up view from Mill Hill of Castle Stewart

View north from Mill Hill of the River Cree 

View north from Mill Hill of Penninghame House rooftops

View south from Mill Hill of the River Cree 

View from Barrhill Woods telephone mast of Kirroughtree House

View from Barrhill Woods telephone mast of the River Cree estuary

Another view from Barrhill Woods telephone mast of the River Cree estuary

View of Loch Bradan and Loch Skelloch from the slopes of Cornish Hill

Cornish Loch and Craigmasheenie from Cornish Hill

Geese over the River Cree at the Carse of Barr just south of Newton Stewart

More Geese over the River Cree at the Carse of Barr just south of Newton Stewart

Here's some video of the geese.It was a dull day which accounts for the poor video quality.


  1. Looks like Spring has sprung down there Jim..!

  2. It's looking good Alex,but there might yet be a sting in winters tail.


Thanks for all your comments. I may not get to reply to them all, but you may be sure they'll be appreciated.