Sunday 29 May 2011

Wigtownshire Ramblers-Girvan Byne Hill Circular May 2011

NB. This walk has already been posted on another blog.
For an alternative view visit.
Gordon and Anne's Blog

Yours Truly has again done the press report for this walk so here goes.

Ramblers Walk Report 
Saturday 28th May 2011

An overcast morning with a threat of showers saw 20 walkers gather at Girvan's South Car park for the walk.

They began by heading south along the coast, past the Ainslie Manor Home and Craigskelly.
Reaching Shalloch Mill they turned east towards the Byne Hill Caravan Park.Lots of miniature donkeys grazed happily in the fields.

A gradual climb took them through the farm at Brochneil where a small classic Austin A35 car caught the eye of some of todays walkers.

Once through the farm,a short distance along the hardcore road brought them to a gate to begin climbing Byne Hill.

A sometime rocky climb saw them reach a point where they could access a path along the western edge of Byne Hill.

Occasional stops to admire the views were taken.Even with the cloud cover, Girvan and the coast up to the Turnberry Lighthouse were clearly visible.Ailsa Craig was prominent throughout the walk.
A two carriage train heading north passed below and to the east.

A Collage of Moi courtesy of Scoop

Overlooking Girvan

Next they dropped down from Byne Hill to the neglected Crauford Monument.
Sitting above Ardmillan House, the monument commemorates Major A.C.B. Crauford, who took part in the capture of the Cape of Good Hope in 1795.

From here they now climbed Mains Hill and took to the lower slopes of Fell Hill south westerly.Lots of bog cotton and wild orchids blossomed along the route.A mighty shower of driving rain and hail soon drenched the group.

Next they negotiated the fairly steep sided Barniecairn Glen.By now the rain had stopped.
Next traversed was a field of cows and calfs which brought them down to Rea Glen.

Reaching the radio and telephone mast at Kilranny above Kennedy's Pass on the A77, they stopped for a lunch break.The wind and rain had cleared completely by now and views across to Arran and the Firth of Clyde were afforded.

After lunch they now headed easterly along a farm track before taking to the slopes of Lochton Hill.
The lower braes of Grey Hill were now before them and a steady climb took them to the 297 Mtr summit.Another shower of rain,less in intensity than the previous one was soon to blow over.

The group now made their way north along the summit ridge onto Fell Hill and into the Grey Hill Grassland Nature Reserve.A variety of wild flowers were admired.
Next they dropped down to the boggy area of Craiglea.From here they would make their way anti clockwise around the lower slopes of Byne Hill.
A few gates,barbed wire fences and drystone walls had been crossed over the course of the walk.Now a wall and a fence together was carefully crossed to bring them down to the hardcore track at Balaclava Wood.
This then took them back to Brochneil Farm,from where they retraced their outward route back to the car park.
Another fine walk was concluded by a number of walkers enjoying tea and cakes at the garden centre cafe.

The next walk, on Saturday the 4th of June will be a "Moors,Woods and Railway" walk from Grobdale to Loch Skerrow of 10 miles. 

Meet at the Riverside car park Newton Stewart at 9.30 am,the Breastworks, Stranraer at 9.00 am for car sharing, or at the walk start at the Grobdale Road End (NX 617 627) at 10.00am.

New members are always welcome, for more information or if going to the walk start, contact the walk leader on 01776 840226


  1. That's a rare view o the Ailas Craig (as Pa Broon would put it). I once saw it all the way from Dunoon (you need an exceptional day) much to my surprise.

  2. Your quality of photgraphs leaves me in the shade when you do a comparison with my own. Good fun on Saturday nice to see some old and some not so old faces again.

  3. Jim, this looks like quite a trek this time with the hills & valleys, but oh how fresh the air must have been! Great photos...

  4. You all look like you're having fun despite the changeable weather! You walk though so much contrasting landscape in one walk too.

  5. It's on the market for a cool £2.7 million Sandy.I personally think the Scottish Government should buy it for the nation.

    Thanks for the compliment Slew,but don't belittle your own efforts,there's some good stuff on

    It was quite a trek Michael,more than most of us expected,but we all finished nicely anyway.There were no cobwebs up those hills.

    Thanks Scarletti,we try very hard to keep our spirits up when the weather's inclement.There's always a joker or two in the pack.
    The west coast of Scotland is very diverse in it's landscape and nature.

  6. Its one of the classic undiscovered hill ranges for views and delights yet anyone bagging Munros ignores it.Their loss I suppose.


Thanks for all your comments. I may not get to reply to them all, but you may be sure they'll be appreciated.