Thursday 2 June 2011


I generally use Google's Picasa as my photograph editor,but for some time I've also had  the free to download
Faststone Image Viewer

It has many good features,but the one I particularly like is it's framing facility.
Although many are similar there are 90 to chose from.
Here framed, are a few flowers and birds I've photographed this week.


  1. Jim, great shots! I really like the frames too! I started out with a sony editor then Photo-Shop but my versions were getting very old & out of date. I now use GIMP Editor, it's free & honestly as good as Photo-Shop. It even has free up dates! Keep up the great photography!

  2. Thank you Michael,I enjoyed finding frames to fit the pictures.

    I remember playing about with GIMP a few years ago and found it entertaining.I didn't realise it was still around and updated.Thanks for the info,I shall download a copy and give it a go.


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