Sunday 19 June 2011

Wigtownshire Ramblers-Cairnsmore of Fleet by the Door ( or maybe the hinge ) June 2011

It's Saturday the 18th of June and todays walk is to the top of Cairnsmore of Fleet by the feature known as the 'Door'.
I joined the recce for this two days ago,on Thursday the 16th of June.
Two completely different days so pictures from both days will be posted.
Walk day is pretty atrocious weather and doesn't look like improving much, but eleven of us are mad enough to do the walk.Talk of going to the Gem Rock Museum for coffee instead doesn't get much support.

After parking at the estate car park we begin on the traditional route up towards Cairnsmore House.We'll be following the Graddoch burn for much of the walk start.
There's a lot more water about as we pass the Linn.(Scottish Waterfall).The rhododendrons are in full bloom.

The weather forecast has been discussed and there may be some room for optimism.Ha ha
After making our way through Crow Wood we now take a right turn and rejoin the Graddoch burn following the track heading east.

On Thursday this was a nice gently tumbling waterfall,now it's a raging torrent.It rained all day on Friday.

We gradually gain height along this track .Far reaching views on Thursday..........

......have turned to mist and rain for today,but spirits are high and todays walkers are nothing if not intrepid.

There's quite a bit of Butterwort on today's slopes.

Thursday's recce as we pass Knocktim

On Thursday passing a gently flowing stream which later becomes the Culcronchie burn we decided this would be a nice place to cool off if it gets too hot on Saturday.

I think not !

We don't quite reach the crags of the Door of Cairnsmore (We've called it the Hinge) before we start serious climbing.Wonderful views east and south on Thursday.....
......and goats.

As we climb we pass a natural spring.There's a lot of water coming over these slopes.Because of the mist and cloud closing in we take plenty of mini breaks to keep the group together.It's a steady climb but eases off at 500 metres.


Soon we reach the south cairn at 656 metres.Oddly this summit has no name.Today an apt name would have been Midge Mountain.Luckily there was enough 'Skin so Soft' to lessen their ferocious attacks.Here we had lunch.

Climbing Cairnsmore by the traditional route very few folk venture to the south cairn,but from above the Knee of Cairnsmore the views on a good day are really wonderful.Loch Grannoch comes into view.

Today with the low cloud cover the views aren't as extensive,but are still there.

With steep slopes to the east we now make our way back down to 600 metres through the Nick of Clashneach before beginning the climb up to Cairnsmore's main summit.There's a long row of posts along this ridge which I guess are there as a guide in bad weather.

The memorial cairn to the airmen who've perished on Cairnsmore is more often than not extremely difficult to read.Today's rain has made the lettering more legible.A while back I was asked for a clear picture,but have somehow lost the contact.If you do get to read this,click on the picture below and then zoom in.Most names can be read.
Most of today's pictures have been taken on my small Fuji.It's taking quite a battering from the weather now.

Recce lunch time.
After finally reaching the summit we take a break to look around and bag a flush bracket.Here's something interesting,although this flush bracket has the number S1561 the Trig Point is TP1869.

After a while we begin the descent using the traditional path.
A colourful descent on the recce with views over Wigtown Bay,a backward flying Raven,a Luing bull and cow,and colourful bushes.

Today it's a wet descent with the path mostly becoming a burn.Halfway down we met a family ascending,hope you had a good climb folks.After crossing 'The Belts' we're nearly finished.The white pony looked like he was smiling.

I'll take a macro shot to finish the day.I love the standing up raindrop.

We'll it was a wet one,but very enjoyable considering the weather,and Cairnsmore twice in three days isn't a bad achievement for me.(I know it's a walk in the park for many)  


  1. Well done James to climb Cairnsmore twice in two days for an OAP is very commendable. Your weather conditions were similar to our walk of yesterday but I got there first with the Butterwort pics.

  2. Thanks you Gordon.
    I can see new regulations coming in regarding the term OAP.The way life expectancies are changing,the government will come up with a rule forbidding anyone to grow older than say 110.After that you'll be rendered down to make soap,soup,dripping talcum powder etc.

  3. Well done all you intrepid walkers. Your 'I think not' caption did make me laugh.

    On your comment to Gordon, if they keep raising the retirement age at the current rate I will never live long enough to retire so perhaps that way I shall avoid being an OAP altogether?

  4. Thanks Scarletti,with the knowledge you're imparting to the Smalls,you'll have no need to worry.I'm sure that by the time you should be an OAP,you'll be a lady of independent mean.

  5. That Looks a wet day Jim.I must have done Cairnsmore of Fleet with Alex as I remember coming down past the Door and the Goats who live there.Even at low level the Glasgow Mela Festival on Sunday in Kelvingrove park was an underwater event unless you were on stage performing.

  6. yes, the standing up raindrop is lovely.
    looks like you had a great deal of diversity in weather and views, critters and man made. Good job you wonderful walkers.

  7. Hi Bob,you climbed Cairnsmore in 2009.Don't you and Alex read each others posts ?

    Thanks Tammie,I've a long way to go to get my macro shots anywhere near the quality of yours though.


Thanks for all your comments. I may not get to reply to them all, but you may be sure they'll be appreciated.