Sunday 3 July 2011

Wigtownshire Ramblers-Port Logan to Damnaglaur July 2011

We're in the South Rhins for our latest walk.
Damnaglaur is popular with our rambling group,we were here twice last year.
August Walk
January Walk
I've written the press report for this walk so I'll do the usual.

Wigtownshire Ramblers Walk Report Saturday 2nd July 2011

A warm sunny morning greeted the 22 ramblers assembled at the picturesque harbour of Port Logan for the walk.Two visiting walkers from the Kilmarnock and Loudoun group were given a warm welcome.

They began by taking the steady incline on the track leading south out of the village.Soon after the start,a hard pressed but cheerful farmer gathering stock, necessitated a slight detour through a field.
Before long they'd gained enough height to appreciated the wonderful views back to Port Logan Bay.

Rolling fields of sheep and cattle meant a number of gates to open and close.

Moving through to the fields of Cowans Farm a quaint message by one gate read 'Be ye man,be ye wumman - Be ye gaun,or be ye comin - Be ye early,be ye late - Be ye share tae shut the gate'.

The 'Farmer's Wife' and the 'Farmer',unrelated,after making sure the gate on the farm belonging to the 'Farmers Wife' is securely closed. (Cryptic or what ?).

Inquisitive Sheep

Crossing a field of inquisitive young heifers the group now reached Low Clanyard.

With tarmac and concrete now beneath them, they made their way to Castle Clanyard Farm.Here they took a break while the walk leader got a volunteer to read out the history of Castle Clanyard,the palatial residence of a branch of the Gordons of Kenmura and Lochinvar.All that remains of the 16th castle is a tapered corner of the walls in a nearby field.

They continued south along the Glen of the Hole,passing an unfinished new build of some grandeur.

With Cairn Fell to the west they next reached the crossroads below Inshanks Fell.From here they turned east on the unclassified tarmac road to Kirkmaiden.In the sunshine, the views over Luce Bay to the Galloway Hills were magnificent and most summits quite recognisable.

I hadn't noticed the bird until I downloaded my camera.It's not a buzzard ?

Arriving at Kirkmaiden we were intrigued by this setup.
Is the policeman Edward Woodward from the original Wickerman film.

A repro cannon

Next stop and lunch was at the 17th century Kirkmaiden Old Kirk.

During and after lunch the group looked in and around the Kirkyard.They looked at the memorial to the merchant seamen who perished in the first world war when the steamers the 'Main' and the 'Rio Verde' were sunk.

Inside the church they viewed the bell gifted by the Gordons of Kenmure to their kinfolk in Clanyard Castle,the latin inscription around the outside proclaiming it was made in 1534.

After a leisurely lunch the group now walked along the B7065 to the walk finish at Damnaglaur.An unusual sight along here was a Jacob Sheep with one of it's horns straight up like a unicorn.

Upon reaching Damnaglaur the group toured the walk leader's wonderful garden in bloom.

Tea and cakes in the sunshine rounded off a glorious day.

Tea Ladies

Wonderful colour in our walk leader's garden.

Here's a couple of great pictures from Scoop.

The next walk, on Saturday the 9th of July will be a circular hill climb of ten miles to Larg Hill from Caldons.

Meet at the Riverside car park Newton Stewart at 9.30 am,the Breastworks, Stranraer at 9.00 am for car sharing, or at the walk start at Caldons Car Park (NX 397 791) at 10.00am.

New members are always welcome, for more information or if going to the walk start, contact the walk leader on 01671 403351


  1. Loved the bit about the farmer and the farmer's wife. The photos are magnificent and all taken in an area I know so well.That unfinished house will be some dewlling once it is completed.

  2. another lovely walk behind you all. that sheep with it's horn caught my attention! wow.

  3. Such beautiful walks in wide open green spaces! You folks must have the freshest air on the planet!
    That sheep, oh my gosh! Nature, you just never know... Thanks for recent visit Jim!

  4. I don't know if you know that house Gordon,but they've positioned it such that their views will cover both sides of the South Rhins.So as well as views over Luce Bay they'll also see Ireland.

    Thanks Tammie and Michael,hope you respectively had great Independence and Canada days.
    Apparently Jacob Sheep do sometimes have straight up horns.It's usually both of them though.


Thanks for all your comments. I may not get to reply to them all, but you may be sure they'll be appreciated.