Wednesday 3 August 2011

Kirkcudbright-Artist's Town

This post will be short on detail and my last for a while.Later this week I'm off on my travels.

On Friday the 29th of July I took myself off to Kirkcudbright.It was the first day of the annual Arts and Crafts Trail.

I didn't particularly photograph many of the exhibits.
I was never sure whether the exhibitor would consider it an intrusion,and I'd also have to remember detail.
Regular blog readers know what my memory is like.

I did however meet two local fellow bloggers who's posts I've admired for some time.
Sandy Cowan has a blog called Witterings and for a much more detailed account of the Art and Crafts Trail I'll direct you to his blog here.
Sandy's  Blog

Ruthie Redden is a delightful artist and illustrator who has several web pages which can be accessed from her premier website here
Ruthie's Website 

The church in the picture above was St Mary's United Free Church.Nowadays it's an accommodation block.

I got framed.
I got lucky with the driftwood mirror picture.I clicked my camera at waist height and this is the result.

The next few pictures I took on Harbour Street at the Scottish Showcase Gallery.
They too have their own web page here.Showcase Gallery
(If the lettering on Michelle De Bruins slab is confusing,it's because it's a farrago of local historic events)

This is the Carrick Mermaid
Chosen to grace the Arts and Crafts Trail Map.....

.....and busy here exhibiting in Rhubarb is the artist herself, Ruthie.
Also exhibiting here was Ruthie's mother Jean.
Jean is an artist in her own right and you can see some of her work here on Ruthie's Blog.
Landscapes of Passion

Next I take a look at the flower festival in Greyfriars Church.
Lovely music in a colourful setting.(my thanks to the musician for allowing me to take the picture,I think any angle would have been your good side !)

Still waiting for a bus outside Greyfriars

As can be seen,there's a long waiting list for beach huts.

Nice motor.

The Skirl of the Pipes.

Harbourside.....desperate dan and desperate for a bite.......

.....looks like he's fishing in the wrong spot.

It's free admission to see the Glasgow Boys art exhibition in the town hall.

After a busy day using up a lot of horseshoe it's nice to get a rest.

There was no Sir Galahad in town,this maiden was still waiting to be rescued from MacLellans castle as I was heading home.

I'll refer you back to a post of Sandy's for the finished Big Art exhibition.

As well as the delightful exhibits of the Arts and Craft's Trail there's lots of interesting other stuff around.
I got talking to this artist who wasn't part of this years Arts and Craft Trail.
He's Stewart Morrison from Dumfries and was hoping to see some sunshine to get more shadow.
A nice guy to talk to,Stewart's on My Space here
Stewart Morrison

Again, not part of the Arts and Crafts Trail I love this garden with all manner of creatures just enjoying themselves.

Kirkcudbright's always a picturesque visit.
Apologies for the lack of details.
See you soon.


  1. Jim, I was not aware that the arts show was throughout the entire town! Sandy probably mentioned that but my memory must be loosing capacity as well! Thanks for the walk through! Great photos..

  2. A Cornucopia of delights!The beach huts,stained glass windows and metal sculptures took my fancy.I,ve been taking in the cultural delights as well given the
    summer weather.A change is as good as a rest.

  3. Hi Michael,Kirkcudbright can be a quiet place in the winter,but in summertime they know how to attract the tourists.There's always something on,and you don't see too many private keep out signs.

    The weather has been poor again hasn't it Bob.It's good to keep abreast with the cultural goings on.
    You being an avid book reader might I ask if you've read 'Children of the Dead End' by Patrick Macgill.
    If not you'll love it.
    I'm away to the Emerald Isle for a few days.

  4. Jim, It's good to see a different collection of pictures from the weekend. Was Stewart Morrison the chap painting down by the harbour (I was talking to an artist down there and didn't get his name - very remiss)
    Many thanks for the mentions - always appreciated - and once again, it was good to meet you.

  5. Awesome! Fantastic!
    Nice post! Nice shots!

  6. Hope you had/are having a wonderful break across the water.

    Love the pictures and the art going on... and I've been there. I recognise so much even though I was only about 12 at the time.It was a terrific family holiday. Thank you for bringing it all back.


Thanks for all your comments. I may not get to reply to them all, but you may be sure they'll be appreciated.