Friday 9 September 2011

Pics from Blackcraig and Kirkandrews-an unsettled week of weather

Friday the 9th of September.

It's been an unsettled week with heavy winds and showers most days,but I have been out clicking away.

The first set of pictures today will be mostly of interest to local readers as they are views taken from Blackcraig Hill not often climbed judging by the undergrowth.

The second group are from a little recce down the Carrick shore area
Sewage Treatment Plant in the foreground

The A75 towards Minnigaff

The Cree estuary over Wigtown Bay

The Meandering Cree

Newton Stewart Residential 

Kirroughtree House

Towards Upper Barr

Towards Minnigaff Industrial Estate...

...ditto zoomed out

A fungi mixture

A steep drop into one of Blackcraig's old Lead Mine Shafts

Is this a Nicrophorus Humator ,a Green Tiger or a Stag ?
Maybe something entirely different.

Now this was quite a big bird,it's tail was too long for a buzzard.It was far too big to be a Kestrel so it's either a Red Kite or a Hen Harrier.I'll plump for the Red Kite by the way it holds it's head low.

Now I'm heading down to Carrick shore.


Remember James Brown of Knockbrex House on our

This is Kirkandrews Church completed in 1906 by the same James Brown.

It's in immaculate condition,but is only open at certain times

Over at the graveyard there's some interesting headstones.
This one above is in memory of the victims of the shipwreck Truda on Barlocco island in 1903

I haven't seen one like this before

It's very rare for a widow to be described as a "Relict" these days

There's more old graves including one to a covenanter

Now I head down to Corseyard.
This is also known as the "Coo  Palace"

It's a model dairy steading built for James Brown of Knockbrex as part of his ambitious early 20th-century improvements of the Knockbrex estate. Loosely Italianate/vernacular details, careful and lavish use of materials to decorative effect, eg glazed tiling, Roman-style asbestos roof tiles, faience bricks internally. The steadings, which consist of a large milk parlour, stables,
cartsheds and barn, are laid out around a square courtyard, with a tall square tower as the dominant feature. Single and 2-storey buildings of tooled coursed masonry, depressed arch
windows and segmental vehicle entrances, all with bold keystones. Corbelled eaves with double row of decorative salt-glazed pantiles set in mortar bedding, ball finials to angles, red asbestos roof tiles in diamond pattern, ceramic ridge cresting.
Corseyard is unique in SW Scotland as a model dairy unit of the early 20th century and also for its architectural merit and quality of its finishings. (Historic Scotland)

Today,the Isle of Man is through the round window.

The shore path only goes so far towards Kirkandrews. According to some locals I spoke to,there are plans to extend it.More recceing required.


  1. I've just been reading up on the way the "Coo Palace" has been deteriorating over the years.
    There's been a lot of talk over it's conservation,but little done.
    It's on the buildingsatrisk website now.
    There's a lot of money down Carrick Shore and Kirkcudbright way.Might I suggest a local trust to save this unique building.
    If something's not done in the very near future,I'm afraid it's going to be another pile of rubble where once stood something beautiful

  2. Wow, I just had a trip around the world.... I needed that! I am a bit bored over here in Maui. Now I can go to sleep and have some sweet dreams...

    Thanks Jim!


  3. Hi Lisa,lovely to see such glamour visiting my page.I hope your dreams have been sweet.


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