Wednesday 2 November 2011

The Tonderghie Burn and Glen, Poultrybuie Hill

Tuesday the 1st of November and it's a nice day.
This post is mainly water and trees so bye bye if you don't like either.
The other week on a Ramblers walk we came by the Tonderghie Burn and I've decided after a couple of years thinking about it to see if I can get through the Tonderghie Glen.I know it's been done cause I've seen a couple of pictures on the internet.There's plenty of the burn and falls below the glen,but very few actually in the glen.
I've parked up at Craigdews,close to where the burn flows into the Palnure.
I walk up the forest track that goes to Black Loch.

This particular waterfall looks man-made,I've no idea why ?

I continue along towards Black Loch.

There's a copious flow today.

I arrive at the ford and waterfall.I took video here,but forgot to take a picture so this is the photo from a fortnight ago.

Now I'm steadily going up the inclined path.It looks a good day.

Black Loch is to the west.

So I get above the waterfall.

This is where it drops.(Top of the picture)

Now I'm where the path and forest toad meet. (Thursday:-I've just noticed the spelling mistake,but I like the sound of a 'forest toad' so I'll leave it in) Looks like a good shelter.

Now I'm heading through the undergrowth and into the glen.
It doesn't look promising.
But wait ! there's a track of sorts.If there's been any walkers up here it isn't recently .These are animal tracks.

Anyhow I make slow progress along the track halfway up the slope.

It's a bit slippery in places.Sheep on the far bank are outpacing me.Well ! they have got four legs.

 Eventually the track comes down to the burn's bank.There's a great tree (well it's a log,but big) across the burn.I lean against it to steady myself for some video and the next thing I'm crashing backwards into rock.Ouch ! that hurt.That tree had been laying in wait for me.

There's a couple of occasions I have to cross on slippery stones.I've been taking video as I go along and It's at the bottom of this post.

The glen itself is probably no more than half a mile,but just before It's confluence with the Corse Burn it becomes very boggy and tussocky.I'll now leave the burn opposite Tonderghie Hill and look for a forest track that's on my map.

Climbing up I spot a Happy Halloween balloon.

This is the view back across and down the glen.

A bit higher and I'm looking along Craigencallie Glen and over to Darnaw.
Maybe a future 'A' walk from here.

The track marked on my map isn't where it's supposed to be,and since I'm climbing anyway the top of Poultrybuie Hill isn't far off.
There's a small pile of stones on the top.It's quite windy and my attempts with the self timer don't come out too good.

Since I can't find the track I 'll make my way though a section of forest.I know there's a forest road through there somewhere since I've walked it before.
I do find it and further on is a copse of trees in a circle of stones.It's not a proper stone circle.Don't know the reasoning.
From the forest road I can look back up Poultrybuie and think this might have been easier than through the woods.

Now it's downhill back to the car.
The video's a bit on the long side,but it covers most of the glen.
Here's the description I've put on YouTube.
From: jimzvidz1  | 2 Nov 2011  | 32 views
Someone once commented on one of my many water video's to "Get a life,and stop filming rivers".
Well I'm sorry to disappoint that person,but here's another one.I just love to film running water.
The Tonderghie burn runs into the Palnure Burn near Craigdew in the Galloway Forest Park.
It starts up in the glen between Munwhul and Darnaw hills before being joined by the Corse Burn.
This video covers the burn from close to it entering the Palnure to just before being joined by the Corse Burn.This is the Tonderghie Glen before it morphs into Craigencallie Glen.
Filmed on the 1st of November 2011.

I doubt if I've covered more than three and a half miles today,but it's been pretty tough and I've a sore butt to prove it.


  1. Your camera fairly caught the lovely autumn colours.Trust your butt has recovered.

  2. Braw pictures! I love the look of that shelter.

  3. My favourite: that balloon picture Really shows how brash 'celebrations' can be in the face of what we should really be paying attention to that is always out there, for free, far more spectacular and definitely wild!

  4. Thanks folks,the bruising's come out Gordon and is the size of a dinner plate.
    I could get my sleeping bag nicely in that shelter Gillian.I bet it's big enough for two.Any volunteers ?
    Aye Scarletti,it is wild up there,and apart from the pylons and the sheep there's very little human activity.Wind blown pollution now eh.Where do all those Chinese Lanterns land I wonder.

  5. such a gorgeous trek you had! wow, i enjoy getting out alone like that.

  6. Looks like a wild area of ground covered.You keep finding new areas down there I,ve never heard of Jim.


Thanks for all your comments. I may not get to reply to them all, but you may be sure they'll be appreciated.