Monday 28 November 2011

A Windy Day on Luce Bay

High winds had stopped most of Scotland's ferry crossing on this day in late November 2011. I decided to take a run down to Luce Bay to take pictures and video. In no particular order the following are just some of the photographs I took.

Here's an edited video clip. Music is Knocknagow by the Celtic Fiddle Festival.  

A bit cool,but a nice day for taking pictures and video.
I got my share of foam and sand.
I mostly use Youtube's own editor for my video's these days.They take my camera shake off nicely.


  1. Love the rock statue....we do that in Maui too.

    Hope you are well.

    Loved your poem on my blog. You crack me up Jim!


  2. Hi Jim
    You,ve certainly got plenty of fine coastline all round you.Just going from the Map Fleet bay and those little islands offshore look interesting as well.Its good to be at the crossroads of mountains or seaside.Be a bit unhandy for getting places if you lived in Drummore.

  3. It's not quite the golden sands of Hawaii Lisa but it's got a different charm.
    Hi Bob,you mention Drummore but would you believe some of the more adventurous of our walking group live even closer to the Mull.

  4. Your photos are worthy of publication in "The Herald" each day they publish a readers photograph and in my opinion yours are of a better quality and content than some of the ones they publish. Something for you to consider perhaps.

  5. Cheers Gordon,I've had the odd picture published locally.I'll give it some thought next time I get a really good view.

  6. Awesome pictures! I much prefer your coastline to the golden sands :)

  7. Wow . I just love love the ocean. You sure captured her Beauty and her danger all in one.
    Thanks for stopping by.
    When you head back to Canada make sure you let me know.
    Blessings. xoxoxo


Thanks for all your comments. I may not get to reply to them all, but you may be sure they'll be appreciated.