Sunday 29 January 2012

At Last ! Snow and Ice

No Wigtownshire Ramblers this weekend, I wasn't prepared to jeopardise my recovery from my ailments. However the arrival of a little snow and plenty of ice is always a good cure for my sniffles, and I enjoyed a little stroll which has put me well on the road to recovery.

I parked up by the Penkiln Burn at Auchenleck.
A snowy Drigmorn above Auchinleck House
(A bit of an anomaly here, it seems the area is Auchenleck, but the house and the loch are Auchinleck) 

Lots of ice and a little snow

Auchinleck house, a little closer than the first picture

Hard mud and reflections

Fence top growth


I love this picture, looks almost an oil painting.
It's water bubbles running through ice on a rocky surface

Plants being encased in ice under a small waterfall


Log Pile
To the right of the smaller hill stands Drigmorn, Red Gairy and Millfore

I'm treading carefully

A new view for me
This is Auchinleck Loch

Same as above but I needed to get higher

Shepherds Cottage Drigmorn
This was once the home of  Ina Chesney, a mentally handicapped young woman, who, in the 1940s, lived with her mother in this remote cottage
 There's a story and painting in the Galloway Gazette about this young lady

On my way back, is that more snow in the clouds over the Galloway Hills ?

The little and large of bridges

I'm feeling better already !


  1. Ah we did this one last week but not in the snow!
    A belated Happy New Year to you too!

  2. Really nice pictures jim, you make winter seem pleasant! I'm not such a big fan of winter anymore, probably because I have to shovel very large areas. Although we have been very mild this year..

  3. No snaw here yet... really like the ice growth and the other ice shots nice work.


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