Wednesday 25 January 2012

Photographic enhancements on a dull day, and a poem by the bard

Tuesday the 24th of January. Quite a miserable day weatherwise but I'll head out and take a few pictures. The first one I took early in the day from my front door.

Picasa has a border application which I've used.Unfortunately I've made all the outer borders dark which doesn't work with an already dark background. Ah well ! It's a learning curve.

At the back of this view (if you could see it) is the snow capped Cairnsmore of Fleet

I went down the river Cree to Parkmaclurg.
Here I'm opposite the Carse of  Barr

Just to the right of this point the railway used to cross.Wooden stumps can still be seen when the tide is out

This is the view east towards Palnure with a misty Blair hill behind

Here it is on Clevr

                             Panorama of Palnure from Parkmaclurg on

This is the view back to Blackcraig

A little further south  the river's meander has created a large sandbank.
It's often a haven for various birds, today there's a lone heron

A zoom over to Upper Barr finds a flock of gulls and the Wigtown bus 

Added at the last minute with a light border 

It being Burns night tonight I thought an apt poem to accompany this post would be
 'The Flowery Banks O' Cree'

Here is the glen, and here the bower 
All underneath the birchen shade; 
The village-bell has told the hour, 
O what can stay my lovely maid? 

'Tis not Maria's
 whispering call; 
'Tis but the balmy breathing gale, 
Mixt with some warbler's dying fall, 
The dewy star of eve to hail. 

It is Maria's voice I hear; 
So calls the woodlark in the grove, 
His little, faithful mate to cheer; 
At once 'tis music and 'tis love. 

And art thou come! and art thou true! 
O welcome dear to love and me! 
And let us all our vows renew, 
Along the flowery banks of Cree.


  1. I can never get close enough to get a decent shot of a Heron

    If you are comfortable editing your blogs template HTML code it's easy enough to set up a default frame for your images that appears whenever you publish an image, that's all I did. That said I don't know how quick and easy it is to add in Picasa.

  2. I find hard to believe somtimes that the man quoting the poetry is the same person who offers us the alternative blog with a slightly different type of verse!!

  3. you have some wonderfully vibrant images in your post, such a treat to see.

  4. Gillian, you say the nicest things.

    Mook, I could do the HTML code, but I use Picasa to resize my pictures from my blog and Picasa's new border feature is so simple, I just have to get my colours right.....which can be a bit of a problem having a red/green deficiency with my eyesight.
    Gordon, Dr Jekyll/Mt Hyde would cover it.
    Thanks Tammie Lee, we don't have the majesty of the rockies here but we do ok.Thanks for visiting.

  5. You seem to live in a lovely spot Jim.On dull or overcast days give me a rural low level walk like that one every time.You always see far more wildlife.
    Hope you are better soon.


Thanks for all your comments. I may not get to reply to them all, but you may be sure they'll be appreciated.