Friday 3 February 2012

Winter's Tapestry

A few more seasonal pictures taken at various locations around Newton Stewart

Cairnsmore of Fleet

The Cross

Frozen Feather

Slither !

Risk,Drigmorn and Millfore

River's Edge


Spotty Dog, Princes Street

Pulhowan Falls

Sparkling Diamonds

Craignelder and Chimneys

A dripping donkey



  1. Predicting good sunrises and sunsets is still something I,ve not yet got to grip with either.
    See you,ve cracked blue skies though Jim.Some nice photos of the surrounding hills.

  2. loved the spotty dog. I did not see it at first

  3. so winter arrived... seems it is doing that in many places. Your photos are wonderful to see! You know i love the ice photos and the snowy mountain.

  4. Cheers Bob, I'll get a good sunrise one of these days.
    Hi Gordon, I just saw him at the last minute and clicked.
    Thanks Tammie, you and me both

  5. that ice cross is so cool looking!! your pictures always make me wanna jump into them and join the adventure!


Thanks for all your comments. I may not get to reply to them all, but you may be sure they'll be appreciated.