Friday 7 December 2012

A Gallimaufry of Photographs

All these pictures were taken over the last three weeks.
I thought they deserved an airing.
Apart from this heading there'll be no other information on the pictures.


  1. I haven't seen a mole hanging on a fence for about 20 odd years - I thought people had stopped doing it.

    No that reminds me that I haven't been round to Creetown to see how their wire sculpture is doing at all this year. Hopefully the roses at the bottom are progressing upwards.

  2. These pictures speak for themselves.

    Is this with the moles something typical over there? I've never seen anything like that.

  3. They are all stunning photos Jim, in their own right, but you know how I like to pick a favourite (hard as that may be) but.... the duck did it for me!

  4. As I had to "google" gallimaufry I can tell you all it is a confused jumble or medley of things and in this case Jim's photos. You certainly have mastered the new camera.

  5. Creetown's worse off for your lack of visits Sandy.

    Many big farmers and landowners used to hire molecatchers Maria. The profession almost died out but there's been a resurgence since the removal of Strychnine from the UK market in 2006.

    That is one handsome Mallard Rose, I can see where you're coming from.

    I'm watching you Gordon, after your accident maybe you're in danger of becoming Gallimaufry Gordon. Thanks for the compliment, watch that leg.

  6. A few years ago under Norman's Law in Fife I met a guy catching moles for a living.Interesting to see your photos Jim.Very clear closeups.Must be a cracking camera as well as a good eye taking them.

  7. Thanks, Jim, for the explanation. I think we have relied on cats - and our cold winters!


Thanks for all your comments. I may not get to reply to them all, but you may be sure they'll be appreciated.