Wednesday 19 December 2012

Fungi and a frosty fusion in the forest

I took a walk up to Glenamour Loch yesterday Tuesday the 18th of December 2012.

My first look was at the wee loch Glengarren where I took these first couple of pictures

This strange bit of fungus was on the underside of a branch

I thought at first this was a discarded ice cream tub 'til I took a closer look

Glenamour Loch was reflective

Occasionally on the forest floor there was the odd bit of ice. This is a macro shot, the size of the icy lump is in context in the next picture 

The blades of grass show it's size

Next I found a dead tree with a lot of fungi 

In this last picture I took this close up but I failed to take one to show the true size of fungi. The largest of these was no more than 10 mm or 3/8th of an inch across. The branch was the thickness of a shepherds walking stick  

That was an enjoyable stroll


  1. These are fabulous Jim! What a wonderful time you must have had taking them! Frances

  2. Awesome photos JIm, so unusual! Your previous post was happy and lots of fun, just what this girl needed.
    Thanks for your lovely words Jim.

  3. Thanks Frances, we don't get the time on our walks to take pictures like this ,do we ?

    Thanks Rose, I could have lots of fun with my camera up in the tropics of the Antipodes. I'll have to think of a Christmas blog post.
    Have a great festive season.

  4. fabulous mushroom finds, i would have been filled with joy. lovely to take a walk with you.

    lovely solstice to you~

  5. Some terrific shots Jim. Love the detail in them.

  6. These are great photos Jim! I like the close ups. Sorry I have not been around, I've been working like crazy & I was pretty close to pneuonia!

    Merry Christmas Sir Jim! : )


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