Sunday 2 December 2012

Wigtownshire Ramblers New Luce December 2012

Saturday the 1st of December
Today's walk should be one we've done before.
(Because of steadier progress than anticipated, the majority of the group did a circular walk)
We're a group of 23 two legs and one 4 leg (Tilly) as we meet up at New Luce.
The "Farmer" is again the walk leader. 
Shorty will be writing the report and it will follow the pictures.   

It's a cold frosty morning as we set off.

I've mentioned the cyst with secret meeting place names before.

After a couple of kilometers we reach the S.U.W at Cruise.

It's downhill to the Water of Luce footbridge.
With no distance views today, I take lots of people pictures.

Across the bridge we walk south. No one fell in the burn.

Nearing Craig Farm


Approaching the house at Craig Crossing a black labrador got all excited. 
We soon found out the reason why..............aren't they gorgeous ?

A path now takes us through a wooded plantation.

We emerge in an area the walk leader knows well.
He farmed here for many years.

A short walk along a forest road brings us to stony mound where lunch is taken

After lunch we move into a section of forest that's strewn with fallen trees and wet boggy patches. It takes a while to get everyone together again.

Out of the woods we're on solid ground and the SUW proper again.

The "Farmer" talks to an acquaintance in a passing vehicle.  
After passing Glenwhan Loch we reach the Castle Kennedy to New Luce road.
This was when the decision to change the route took place with five walkers continuing to Castle Kennedy and the rest turning back to New Luce.

Three and a quarter miles later we re-enter New Luce.

"This stone was brought from the fortification of Sevastapol by the late Admiral Sir John Dalrymple-Hay of Castle of Park, Glenluce, who commanded a battleship during the Crimean War in 1856. He presented the stone to the minister of the Free Kirk, then resident here at Mansewood".

On reaching the Kenmuir Arms in the village, we all piled in for refreshments. I had a very welcome Shandy and Mince Pie.
The Christmas lights on the town hall were lit by the time we got back to the cars.
A good ten mile hike today.

Here's Shorty's Report

Wigtownshire Ramblers - 1 December 2012 – New Luce Circular

Saturday dawned with clear blue skies and a sharp frost.  The low sun provided little warmth but twenty three ramblers assembled at New Luce memorial hall anticipating a brisk walk to Castle Kennedy.  We set off down the Glenluce road and soon passed Cruise Farm.  The group turned through a gate and descended the frost covered field towards the river along the Southern Upland Way (SUW).  Once we reached the lower ground there was evidence that the river had taken a shortcut through the field during the recent floods.  The “new” bridge over the river, an elegant suspension bridge erected by the army, took us over the Water of Luce.

After crossing the bridge we turned off the SUW and climbed onto the wooded banks below the railway line.  As we walked along a train passed at head level as it scurried down to Stranraer.  A little further along the bank our leader pointed out the remains of an old railway cottage and a level crossing.  He remembered when the track was passable for motor vehicles travelling between Craig Farm and Airyolland.  There is little evidence of the track at this point other than gates in the rail side fence.  He also recalled an aerial ropeway in place which brought milk from Galdenoch Farm on the other side of the river.

After crossing a small burn the track became more evident.  It was followed to Craig Farm and then further south to a second railway crossing.  Here we were met by an enthusiastic Labrador who proudly showed off her two excited puppies who were corralled in the porch.  The leader then telephoned the signalman and, having been given the all clear the ramblers hurried across the line and up into the forest.  At the start of the path we noticed a squirrel feeder attached to a tree.  We then realised it was being monitored by a camera.  The scientists will be seeing some unusual activity in the area.  A steep climb through the wood then led us to a forest road.  We then continued uphill to the end of the road where the group paused for lunch in a grassy clearing bathed in the weak winter sun.

After lunch the group struggled to their feet and entered the forest following an old dyke northwards.  Several minor diversions were necessary to avoid boggy ground and fallen trees but eventually we arrived at the end of another forest track.  The track was followed westwards.  Initially it was overgrown and very wet in patches but it improved as we went along and soon the walkers were able to walk side by side and conversation returned to its usual pitch.

As we went along numerous deer tracks from both Red and Roe deer were seen.  Later we met the stalker driving in to commence his evening session of deer control.  We also noticed various red tapes tied to trees and bushes and sections of fine string running along the road.  A little further on we came to the old quarry where there had been recent work leaving newly cut rock faces and large piles of crushed stone.  We suspected that further felling is planned and that the track will be in much better condition next time we visit.  The tapes and string were probably marking and measuring the work required.

A short walk then brought us to the SUW again and the main New Luce to Castle Kennedy road.  The walk had taken longer than anticipated and darkness was approaching.  It was therefore decided to abandon the route along the SUW to Castle Kennedy as originally planned.  A small group followed the road down to Castle Kennedy and the waiting cars while the remaining walkers stegged back to New Luce along the road.  Once again the hosts at the Kenmuir Arms provided a warm welcome and excellent tea and cakes, making a superb end to the walk.

Next week’s walk is a leisurely figure of eight walk of about six miles in the countryside and woods around Gatehouse of Fleet.  New walkers are always welcome.  Meet at 09:00 at the Breastworks Car Park in Stranraer or 09:30 at the Riverside Car Park in Newton Stewart to share transport.  The walk will start from the Tourist Centre car park in Gatehouse of Fleet at 10:00.  If meeting at the start or for other queries, please contact the walk leader on 01671 403351.


  1. 10! must make those well earned refreshments even better!

  2. Saturday was a fine crisp morning - I should think that being well wrapped up and out in the wilds would be a fine way to spend it - I was even out a bit myself though not nearly as far as 10 miles.

  3. You seem to have had lovely weather with some sunshine, too!


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