Tuesday 22 January 2013

A cold outlook

After the return of a chesty cough, I'd resolved to keep warm and stay out of the cold this week.
Yesterday Monday 21st January 2013 the falling snow tempted me to break that resolution, get my wellington boots on and head for Knockman Wood.

It snowed all the while I walked.

Passing the Neolithic chambered cairn

Heading uphill, the trees looked beautiful

 At the cairn on top of Knockman

The Lonesome Pine

I took a little bit of video
I didn't get enough video to fit the song I had in mind so I slowed some of it down.
The video's poor but the song's great.
Jesse Winchester's not a bad singer and a great songwriter.

Does anyone know if the wee loch in Knockman has a name ?

A touch of ice in a burn


It snowed overnight and this morning Tuesday the 22nd of January I took a few more pictures at home.
My shed roof

One of my neighbours bird tables with a couple of male chaffinches aboard

The view south.
It's to remain cold till the weekend. Maybe I'll get some ice sculptures after all.


  1. your pictures even feel cold!! at least you have snow..we have no snow and single digit temps....no fun!

  2. Jim this looks so incredibly beautiful and so attractive to me as I sit here hemmed in by torrential tropical rain and the stickiness of humidity. If I concentrate, I can feel that snowflake land on my cheek. Oh yes.
    Are you still coughing?? Can't you acquire any Olive Leaf Extract over there??
    Stay warm my friend!

  3. Very atmospheric photos,Jim. Great to be able to see the D&G countryside when it is too cold to be over there in our caravan1

  4. Better watch that cough Jim. I always have a hot shower now right after any winter hill day, even if its dry as you never really heat up properly again even with fresh gear on.
    Using soap is optional in my case :)
    No snow at all here.

  5. A great post Jim you certainly have got winter now.

    I liked the Jesse Winchester track on your video he's new to me. Sam Baker is well worth a listen to if you haven't already.

  6. Here's a snowflake for you Annmarie.
    .............../_/ ' \_\

    Thanks Rose, I got myself some Comvita Olive Leaf Extract which has had some good reviews, but I was already feeling better. A bit like after the horse has bolted.
    Have a look at this post of mine from a couple of years ago Ice Bubbles it might help to cool you down.

    Nice to hear from you Shirley, I think you've had more winter over on the east coast than us. Might bump into you over at Auchenlarie some time.

    I'm the same with the hot showers Bob. I've had throat and chest trouble most of my life, but I thought I'd left them in England after five years free from anything. Just a blip maybe.

    Thanks Sandy, I remember hearing Sam Baker on a Bob Harris show a few years ago. The problem with good singers is the amount of airplay they get. I came across Jesse Winchester in 2003 when I was played his debut album on a record player when Black Dog jumped out as being brilliant. I've never heard him singing on the BBC yet.

  7. ................_........_
    ................/_/ ' \_\

    Well it started as a snowflake Annmarie. Lets have another go

  8. wonderful song and pics---just stopping by after seeing you on another blogger friend--great blog :)

  9. Hi Lynn, thanks for visiting. I must admit I've noticed your musings before on the blogosphere. Looking on your blog list, I don't think it was on momto8blog. Maybe it was on someone blog who's gone awol.
    I don't know why, but after catching up on The Waltons Thanksgiving Reunion 1993 (We as a family watched it all through the 70's) I think I can picture your corner of Virginia.
    I'll be lookin out for your words of wisdom.

  10. Jim, you finally got some snow! Sorry about your cough, just before X-Mas I had the terrible flu, its hit our city pretty hard, in fact our hospitals are at full capasity! Awesome photos Jim, looks great!


  11. Jim, you finally got some snow! Sorry about your cough, just before X-Mas I had the terrible flu, its hit our city pretty hard, in fact our hospitals are at full capasity! Awesome photos Jim, looks great!



Thanks for all your comments. I may not get to reply to them all, but you may be sure they'll be appreciated.