Thursday 10 January 2013

Barrhill Woods Phone Mast Walk - January 2013

Thursday the 10th of January 2013

I'm trying to shake off a cold, sore throat and phlegmy (I know there's no such word, but it suits me) cough, so I'm off up to the phone mast.

I'm heading over the frosty fields by Barbuchany.
A rusty bucket's my first picture today.

Once I'm up at the mast it's still misty, but clearing. I don't have to wait long before a window in the mist opens.

There's a thin ribbon of a view between the low cloud and the mist below.

I've uploaded the short panorama to both Clevr and Panogio

That's Larg Hill and Lamachan in view. Newton Stewart's down in that mist.

Now to the north east the mist is clearing. I spot a distant farm that I think must be 'Risk' since it's in that direction. 

As I zoom in I realize that it's not Risk but is Barncaughla

I keep zooming in for a few pictures.

As I've said before, I don't need an extra zoom lens with my Powershot SX40HS

I move over to the east to overlook the river.

I set the video running as I have a coffee

I think the tide's just turning

The A75 has the occasional convoy passing.

Heading back into town.

My next door neighbours feeder finishes the pictures today.
I should be OK to lead Saturday's walk up Knockdolian


  1. Jim they were quite simply some of the loveliest misty/fog photos I've seen!
    Poor thing, you need daily doses of Olive Leaf Extract. Truly. And only the one made in Queensland. Truly.

  2. the mist and clouds are a beautiful addition to those views!!

  3. Thanks Rose,I'm now on the lookout for some, it's had phenomenal reviews.
    Hi Gillian, I'm glad you like the views, but I've never seen Table Mountain. Still I might get there yet.

    Hi AnnMarie, it was like looking through a narrow window. I felt I was up in the air.

  4. I'm always on the lookout for mist lying in the hollows. Makes getting up early on cold winter mornings worth it. Great photos Jim
    but I'd expect nothing less :)


Thanks for all your comments. I may not get to reply to them all, but you may be sure they'll be appreciated.