Wednesday 16 January 2013

Glen Tig January 2013

Tuesday the 15th of January
I got up to a very hard frost this morning.
I'm heading up to South Ayrshire for a recce with three others.
The roads were very slippery, but once I was north of Barrhill it felt like I'd gone into another country.........definitely a few degrees hotter.
I'd walked Glen Tig with Slew and the Ayr and District Ramblers before. I thought it was four years ago, but I see it's less than three years ago..............what a memory,

Scoop, The Teacher and Spike are my companions today

The first thing to catch our attention was this deer that couldn't make it's mind up which way to go.
We're following the 'Water of Tig' through Craig Wood.

It was quite wet and muddy underfoot, but we soon made our way to the grain mill ruins.

This looks like it's been a wonderful piece of engineering. If anyone who knows more about this ruined mill reads this post, please let me know and I'll update the information.
All that I can find about a mill in Glentig is on this Wikipedia Page about Dunduff Castle near Dunure where it mentions " the 10 Merk lands of Glentig, and it's grain mill"

There has been an old road along here at one time. I don't think the Ayr Ramblers have been back.
There were stretches of half decent paths, but then we'd run out of path, or trees and brambles would slow us down. At times we'd have to climb up steep slippery slopes to get past obstacles.

Some of the scenery however was gorgeous. Craig Wood is an SSSI (a site of special scientific interest)

The sun shining on the Water of Tig would often make a sparkling spectacle.

I could have taken a lot more colourful fungi, but at the next batch I was climbing out of a thorny hole so needed two hands free. This could be possibly be a walk for the hard core walkers of our group, but I think we'd need a long dry summer to consider it.

There was what appeared to be a reasonable track on the other side of the river and if this bridge had been complete the going might have been easier. We were having fun though.

River froth often looks quite revolting, this looked like freshly made candy floss.

Eventually we came out into a bit of open country.
At this point the walk with the Ayr group had left the river and climbed up the green fields to begin the return over farming country. My idea was to continue to reach Pedens Mount and begin the return from there. 

Another pair of deer wondered if we were a threat.

After studying us closely they decided we were and headed off up the hill.
We continued through the fields but then came to another wooded area alongside the river.
I'd wrongly thought that this was a short section of wood, but it turned out to be longer and just as hazardous as Craig Wood had been. 

Eventually we emerge on the hillside above the Meraddie burn.
Time for a lunch break and a rethink.
The snow covered Galloway Hills looked beautiful.

During lunch the plan changed.
Since we were way behind time-wise, we agreed we'd go no further along Glen Tig, but follow the Merradie burn up to it's source at Loch Meraddie.
Following the Merradie burn we had some fun with shadows.

We heard the hum of quad bikes.
Two quad bikes and two working dogs were rounding up around a hundred sheep.
It was brilliant to watch, but into the sun.

Once the dogs had manoeuvred the sheep through an open gate, the farmer came over to see us with a warning about continuing up to Loch Merradie. 'If we got into the next field but one we'd probably never be seen again' It was just a quagmire he informed us.
We were welcome to walk through his farmyard at Bellimore on Tig.
So now it would be track and road back to the cars. The Galloway hills looked magnificent.

She may be vertically challenged, but Scoop still has a fair stride.

Scoop was ready to photograph this flock of starlings swooping as we shouted and banged to make them fly away. We failed miserably, they mostly ignored us.

More inquisitive onlookers.

This is one of the collies we'd seen rounding up the sheep.
Talking to the shepherd as we passed through Bellimore on Tig, he told me they win their fair share of sheepdog trials.

Now it's all downhill and we get wonderful views.  
A flock of gulls take off. Somewhere along here we did our good deed for the day. A sheep had it's head through a square mesh fence and was frantically trying to dislodge itself. We needed to twist it's head round to free it. It was a happy sheep as it ran back to the flock and was quickly surrounded by other sheep. Caring sheep !

A tree lined avenue, a jumbo jet and a casual wave.
We could see Ireland and the Mull of Kintyre coming down here.
No Ailsa Craig though, last Saturday's hill obscured it's view.

Overlooking Laggan House Country Park and Heronsford.

"I love to go a wandering"...................... but getting back in one piece makes us happy
It was tough but enjoyable.

Scoop also took many excellent pictures
Here's a few.

Her camera is also a Canon of high quality.
It's a Powershot G1X ....takes great pictures.

Back home at Newton Stewart my last picture of the day was the one below.
A new moon.


  1. The Galloway Hills Jim - magnificent.
    Much of this countryside is so like the area I come from in Tasmania!
    I'll go back and link with the SSSI, sounds interesting.
    Sniffles all cleared up?

  2. i wanna do that walk!! not sure I'm quite as hardy as you are though. what an interesting walk. thank goodness you had the warning from the farmer about the boggy field. brilliant pictures of the ruined mill and the hills of galloway. how lovely. top blog post jim :-)

  3. Lovely to hear from you Rose, I'm still hoping to get myself to Tasmania sometime in the near future.
    Have a good trip back up to the tropics.
    Thanks Sez,maybe next time you and Inky are up this way, I'll maybe take you on a magical mystery tour of a walk.

  4. what a cool mill is right!! oh my kids and would love exploring these adventurous places...lucky you!
    someone told me birds line up like that on a wire because the air pressure is changing and it will rain soon...

  5. Hi Jim.
    A walk like that one where you are not sure where its leading always has a touch of adventure to it. Looks fairly tough in places but I like getting away from established paths now and again.

  6. What a lovely walk! That river froth really looks like candy floss, or a giant chunk of meringue.

    Being 155 cm myself, I think I've found a soul-sister in Scoop :)

  7. If your kids go travelling Annmarie, they could do worse than have a look at Scotland. I remember travelling west on the I80 back in 1999. After passing Milton and the Susquehanna River, I thought the terrain was much like our highlands.

    I agree Bob, often a recce is much more enjoyable than the final planned walk.

    Hi Maria,mentioning 'Meringue' you've just reminded me of a Scottish joke that most non Scots fail to get.
    A woman walks into a Glasgow bakers, and looking into a glass display points to an item and says "Is that a do'nut or a meringue", the baker looks at what she's pointing at and replies "Naw, yer right hen, that's a do'nut".
    I've passed your comment on to Scoop. Have you clicked on her blog. She says the best things come in small packages.

  8. Jim, it took me a while but I think I finally got it - or am I right? ;-)

    Those are wise words Scoop says. I haven't been to her blog yet, but I definitely need to find my way there!

  9. Sorry, I should have asked of course or am I wrong! Playing with words is fun but soon you get all mixed up with them!

  10. You're spot on Maria. Next time you meet a travelling Scotsman try it on him.

  11. Thank you so much for posting these pictures.
    I had seen a series from a few years ago, but it was awesome to see your recent photos.
    I'm so eager to go to this place some day.
    I believe I am the only person in the world named Glen Tig.

  12. Great to hear from you Glen, I hope your dream comes true one day. Cheers.


Thanks for all your comments. I may not get to reply to them all, but you may be sure they'll be appreciated.