Friday, 29 March 2013

♫♪ I'm dreaming of a white............easter! ♫♪

Here's a few more pictures from my little jaunts and walks around my home town of Newton Stewart this last week.  
If I stand on the drystone wall that separates my garden from Doonhill Woods I get this view over the chimney tops to Cuil.
(So, I need to build a raised summerhouse)

The woods at Glenamour. There are two pictures here side by side, find the join ?
(If you look along the top of the pictures you could be mistaken. Along the forest floor it's an easy task)

An Easter egg or a Christmas pudding.

There's a sinister face here. Can you see it ? It Scares me !

The Palnure looking towards Strathmaddie

View from Old Bridge of Palnure. 
I'll get a couple of interesting pictures from here later.

A result of more tree felling at Bogue Wood

Bardrochwood House

This overhang of snow appears to be defying gravity

Up on Machars Hill I get good views of the Minnigaff range of the Galloway Hills.
From left here's Drigmorn, Red Gairy and Millfore.

It's a patchwork of drifts up here. It's a mighty slow thaw.

View to the South West

Windswept patterns make a snowy quilt

A view to Curleywee....................

............................and a closer look.
I had a look through my binoculars to see if I could find any intrepid walkers on any of the hills. If there was anyone I didn't see them. I know there'll have been someone trekking around.

Now here's a couple of panoramas of the Minnigaff Range 

This is the above picture on CleVR

This view can also be seen in glorious full screen here.

Back at the Old Bridge of Palnure I spotted something diving way down the burn. I had to zoom in a long way, here's the result.

The only bird that I can see it resembling is a female Smew. If I'm wrong perhaps one of my ornithological friends could put me right.

I wonder if this is the last we'll see of the snow ?
(Apart from tomorrow's walk with the Wigtownshire Ramblers that is.)


  1. Every one of the landscape snow pictures are just beautiful Jim - and yes that could be a summer project for you to build a raised viewing house at your boundary! Aha, I found the join - it's straight above the "h" in the word 'here' in your written caption. :)
    The Minnigaff range is spectacular with its covering of snow, your zoom is impressive of that cute and curious water bird.
    Have a great walk tomorrow - maybe some more snow pics? I never tire of them. Such a winter wonderland.
    Stay warm over there.

  2. Beautiful snow scenes Jim, I haven't tired of the snow at all. We still have lots here. Especially loved the patterns left from the wind.

  3. Nice part of the country you live in Jim.
    Ah the wonderful Smew. One of only three British waterfowl/ ducks to have teeth I believe. (apart from early Donald Duck cartoons where he sports a fine set of gnashers.)

  4. Hi Rose, I'll soon have run out of snow for you, but you've had a good helping. I was quite chuffed to photograph the Smew, it's not a bird I can ever remember taking before.

    I see from your pages Ruthie that you've been having an artistic ball with the wintry weather. The drifting snow certainly created some wonderful structures.

    Never knew that about the Smew Bob, you learn something everyday. I remember visiting tropical gardens in Brisbane, Queensland and coming across a feathered character called the Tooth Billed Catbird.

  5. Rose sent me here too. Here in the sweaty season I am LOVING these cool and elegant images. And always, but always love ducks. Thank you - and her.

    1. Pleased to help cool you down with these EC, I think it might have been this post that my on line romance with Rose came into it's own. I hope 2015 is good to you.

  6. I came here via Rose's blog, some of those photos look like someone dumped a truck load of fluffy melted marshmallow on the landscape.

    1. Hi River, lovely to see you visit. I love that description 'Fluffy Melted Marshmallow', fits perfectly.


Thanks for all your comments. I may not get to reply to them all, but you may be sure they'll be appreciated.