Tuesday, 17 September 2013

A break in the wet weather at Blairmount

Tuesday the 17th of September
It's been a wet and windy week up to now, the river Cree's higher than it's been for months. No fishermen out today.
A break in the rain gave me a chance to go see the ducklings over on Blairmount Pond

They weren't by the pond dipping platform, but the water was still and very reflective.

I thought of kneeling down and trying to get a water boatman close up but decided to leave that for another day

Moving round to the main pond and with a slice of Warburton's wholemeal I enticed these hungry guys to the water's edge.

It's great to see all seven still here

The mallards were greedy but they all got to eat. I know that quite a few neighbours are feeding them anyway

Still plenty of ripe and unripe brambles about

It's a bit dull, but I'm still trying out aperture priority settings

It must be Autumn judging by the ripening Honeysuckle berries


  1. hello Jim,

    seems so many people are getting lots of rain. fun to see your photographs. Cute ducks, i imagine people can not help but feed them.

    It is indeed berry time of year... we still have some too.

    Good week to you.

  2. How beautiful! I especially love the ducks and ducklings.

  3. The seasons seemed to have turned over more quickly this year - fanciful on my part I suppose.
    How I do enjoy your visits to Blairmount Pond and progress reports on the ducklings.
    Flu in my neck of the woods, hope your week is going better Jim!

  4. Your two flower reflections look like Japanese watercolour paintings Jim. Very unusual.First time I've seen a close up of a Honeysuckle berry.

  5. Thanks Tammie, it's human nature to feed ducks I think.

    Thanks for visiting Linda, hope all's well in Montreal.

    Hi Rose, have the tropics been a little warm this year. I've had this notion for a few years now that if I ever got rich I'd spend a long time in the tropics in the cooler seasons. That would mean a shortage of ice and snow though, and I'd miss that.(but being rich, that wouldn't really be a problem would it, I could jet down to Queenstown,Otago when I wanted)

    You've got it Bob, it's been on my mind what they reminded me of. I wish I could paint !

  6. Ah yes Queenstown with the backdrop of the Remarkables in winter would indeed be superb!!
    And gosh yes, it's only spring and already the airconditioners are blasting away.
    I so miss 4 distinct seasons up here!
    How did your relatives fair in the Perth storms? My friends were lucky just an awful mess and a side fence.

  7. Hi Rose, re storms in WA, judging by their Facebook pages they all huddled together but came out unscathed. A neighbours fence was the only casualty.

    Thanks for visiting Julie, you too live in a beautiful part of these islands of ours. I've bookmarked you.


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