Thursday, 26 September 2013

Coastal Recces

This week I've been out recceing for a walk I'm leading soon.
I've had the company of the 'Musician' and the 'Sloane Ranger' whose nickname might turn to 'Hawkeye' as she misses nothing.

On Monday morning I spotted this perfect spiders web outside my back door.
There was excitement in Doonhill Woods too. A neighbours cat had been stuck 60 feet up a tree since Friday. Ben Lockwood the tree specialist had to be called out. 
On Youtube, Meeow - Three Days up a Tree is not the best video taking but you get a sense of the occasion.

Nature at its ripest

Here are the pictures from the recces  
Outcrop near the Isle of Whithorn

Heron at the Isle of Whithorn

Here's another interesting 'shroom. Is it also from the Shaggy Inkcap family ?

It's my intention to explore this chasm/cave sometime

WW2 Pillbox south-west of the Isle of Whithorn

I think this is Agaricus augustus - The Prince


Near Thief's Hole

This lovely lady is called Ebony.
The view looks north-west to Carleton Fell

The next seven pictures were taken on the inland return road to the Isle of Whithorn
Was I photographing the Flagpole anchor point or the Spaniel ? I think the nuts and bolts win even though I never even noticed them

Wall Brown front view

Wall Brown

The sign on the side of the house says 'Breathing Space'

Anyone know what this is ?..........

..................can't find it in my book
(I've been informed by my very knowledgeable fellow snapper, and excellent gardener Scoop that it's a variety of Hebe. If you want answers I'll always know someone who has them ! )
Another fellow walker has gone as far as identifying it as Hebe x Franciscana Blue Gem. Thank you for the detail fair lady.

Harvesting above the Isle of Whithorn

The last few pictures were taken between St Medans and St Ninians Cave on Wednesday
Shags just south of St Medans

A Rock Pipit

Hawkeye picked out these two odd stones in the walls of the ruins of Knockguisha. Is there a significance to their being there I wonder ?

I was going to make up a myth about this rock formation being a monument to a farmers dog, but I wont.
The Ranger said it looked like Greyfriar's Bobby

This Red Admiral could still fly but a close inspection shows that it's been in the wars.

That's my week up to now folks.
Missing from the photographs are the deer, the frogs,the birds of prey, the noisy typhoon and the six feet high brambles and sloe that turned out to be impenetrable. The former were too blurred while the latter was too precipitous and hazardous to even contemplate taking pictures.  
Have a great weekend.


  1. What a beautiful tour!!! Thank you so much for sharing these gorgeous photos.

  2. First time I've seen a Wall Brown Butterfly Jim. Great photos. That cat video was hilarious. I had visions of the entire tree being reduced to just a stump before it jumped to the ground.
    Bad Sooty!

  3. A good selection of picture, shrooms, butterflies in various conditions and a wee tour round the Isle of Whithorn (certainly likely to get a visit in the next few weeks - I have a notion to tick off a few of the areas ancient sites off my list)
    Between blurred and just not getting the camera out in time, there's always a few interesting sights can't make it onto the net - good to give them a mention though

  4. Jim, all of these photos are great, I see you are becoming quite the photographer! Well done my friend. Cats certainly seem to get themselves into a lot of trouble. : )

  5. this looks like a wonderful wander
    so many different sights
    and finds
    i have no idea what your flowers are.... i wonder if there is a wildflower site for the UK? There is one for Montana, it comes in very handy.


Thanks for all your comments. I may not get to reply to them all, but you may be sure they'll be appreciated.