Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Loch Leven and Stenton Pond in Monochrome

It's Friday the 6th of September and I'm heading over to Fife for the last ever Leuchars Air Display tomorrow.
Decided to take a break at Kinross for a walk on the shores of Loch Leven.
After arriving at my aunt's house in Glenrothes, I then took a walk down to Stenton Pond to see a fair variety of birds.
Here's a few pictures in black and white.
The first eight are on Loch Leven, the rest on Stenton.

Stenton Pond

I gave up counting the birds on Stenton Pond after reaching a hundred.
I've seen better monochrome pictures but I like the solitary duck with the following wake.

The last ever Leuchars Air Display will be the next post.


  1. Funnily, I was in Kinross, for the only time so far, 3 weeks ago. I had planned to take the boat to the castle but a sudden need to be in Edinburgh (a failure to read my diary properly) meant I had to put that on the back burner. It was glorious technicolour the day I was there.

  2. Jim, a wonderful presentation in black and white. Very old world. :)


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