Sunday 3 November 2013

Wigtownshire Ramblers Dailly November 2013

Saturday the 2nd of November
Today's walk was to be one we've did in July 2012
Our leader was to be the 'Teacher', but with a damaged toe from a game of football in Mauritius that honour has fallen on the Ayrshire Blogger
I took my car and made the wrong decision of taking the Straiton Road north of Glentrool.
My apologies to my two lady passengers for an uncomfortable ride.
The walk leaders report (with embellishments by yours truly) will follow the pictures. 
Still, we got to the walk start on time. Here's our leader explaining the route.

Waymarker curling stone at the entrance to Lindsayston Woods.

Someone's gone to a lot of trouble. As kids, me and my cousins used to make dens in the woods. Nothing as elaborate as this though.

My main camera never left my house today. Though I had to wipe the lens occasionally, my little Fuji recorded the walk fine.

Now here was a surprise, but only after I'd downloaded the pictures. It was the gates I was photographing, I never noticed the sheep behind the wire. Perhaps my hood obscured my view.

We're back at the start, but we'll be moving on. 

One thing waterproofs do is to add colour !

Roses in November and a good idea to remind pet owners of their responsibilities.

Sorbus aucuparia, commonly called rowan and mountain-ash

A break in the clouds........

...............with a little bit of sunshine.

Foresters house.

The River Girvan

Footbridge by the 7th Fairway on the Brunston Castle Golf Course

There are three footbridges, the golf course is either side.

Here's a rainbow coming.

Our illustrious leader.

That's a cracking rainbow.

The two concluding pictures are from Slew's (our walk leader in case you'd forgotten) camera.
Nice picture Gordon.

Considering the weather this was an enjoyable walk. 

Saturday the 2nd of November
On a very wet morning, fifteen walkers gathered in the village square in Dailly, a former mining village in South Ayrshire. With waterproofs donned they started the walk by leaving the village going east to Lindsayston Woods. Here they passed some interesting path markers. These were designed as over-sized curling stones due to the proximity of the curling pond. Once in the forest it was a wee bit drier due to the canopy of the large trees. The path followed the tumbling, bubbling Lindsayston Burn where a heron was spotted taking off. Steady progress was made due to large amounts of fallen leaves making the path slippery. Climbing out of the woods, an unclassified tarmac road was accessed. Turning left down the hill they passed Lindsayston Farm. On a previous visit, a satellite dish had been spotted on top of a pig hut. With the dish now lying against the hut, it’s assumed that ‘Sty TV’ has gone off the air.
 Continuing along the road they reached a crossroads at Gettybeg. Once the back markers had caught up, the walk leader declared it was “decision time”. At this junction, heading east would be up to the summit of Barony Hill, shrouded in wet mist, while heading west was an alternative walk, keeping lower down to avoid the worst of the weather. It was unanimous to stay lower down. A track was now followed back to the village. On re-crossing the Lindsayston burn, the second heron of the day was spotted wading.
After passing through the village, a trail took the group into the grounds of Brunston Castle golf course, almost deserted due to the weather conditions. Crossing the fairways, a stop was taken to admire some very fine sorbus trees with the groups’ amateur dendrologist explaining that the sorbus is a member of the rowan family. After climbing a couple of fences they entered the woods of the Bargany Estate to walk along the side of the River Girvan. The river was in full spate after all the recent rainfall. A temporary break in the weather allowed the group to sit on the river bank to have lunch watching the water raging past with a backdrop of woodland now in full autumn colours. After lunch the river was followed through Brunston Castle golf course. The river splits the course with a number of foot bridges connecting the fairways, a water hazard for several holes.
After a particularly torrential hail storm, the walk leader wisely decided the plan to visit the remains of Brunston Castle be shelved till the next visit as most walkers were ‘drookit’. A break in the rain brought a highly colourful rainbow into view.
Arriving back in Dailly and donning dry clothes, the group retired to the local tearoom for some well-earned hot drinks and fresh scones. Apart from the weather it was an interesting and varied 6 mile walk in a part of the country not often visited by the group.
Next Saturday November 9th is a ‘Trail of the Lonesome Pine’ walk from Barclye to Minnigaff.
Meet at the Breastworks Stranraer at 9.00 AM, Riverside Newton Stewart at 9.30 AM for car sharing or at the walk start at the R.S.P.B  Car Park Barclye  (NX 386 697) at 10.00AM.
If making your own way direct to the start please telephone the leader on 01988 840268 who can also give you any further details you may require. New members are always welcome.


  1. Looks a wet one there Jim. I'm loaded with the cold and a bad chest infection at the moment despite never setting foot under a raindrop. Fifteen.You folk down south are hardy!

  2. always lovely photos--esp. enjoyed the one of the fort--i remember wanting a sofa in mine--loved playing in the woods :)

  3. Sounds like you were off to a heck of a start!
    Great photos but I see you are still experiencing some dreich! Have a great week Jim. : )

  4. Loving the den in the woods, that brings back some fab childhood memories both my own & making dens with my children. As always its great to read about the walks you do, my walks have been mostly up the hill behind the house lately, watching the seasons change.

  5. you all sure are colorful amongst a rainy day.

    loved seeing the sights in your photos. happy walking to you all.

  6. Hope you recover soon Bob. Maybe going to the back of beyond brought it on.

    Hi Lynn, brought back childhood memories to me too.

    Thanks Michael, hope you aren't getting snowed in over in Calgary.

    And how quick the seasons are changing Ruthie. Next years walkfest will see me down your way leading or deputy down by the 'Coo Palace' and the 'Cream O' Galloway'

    Thanks Tammie, the rain brings out the colours.

  7. You were all very brave to face the elements that day Jim, you all must be dedicated walkers.
    I loved the photo of the settee, I wonder if some kids were making use off some fly tipping. The rainbow photos are quite stunning Jim.

  8. Love the den.

    My parents went to Suffolk recently and on their walks there were signs in "dog" that when translated underneath reminded dogs to ask their owners to pick up after them!

  9. Ahh cream of Galloway ~ yum! I especially love the old cow palace, such a shame to see it fallen into such a sad state, i sued to live in a wee house up on the hill behind it, and have fond memories of walks along the coast there.


Thanks for all your comments. I may not get to reply to them all, but you may be sure they'll be appreciated.