Sunday 15 December 2013

Wigtownshire Ramblers - Lochnaw - December 2013

Saturday 14th of December
Thanks to Scoop for her contribution of  photographs.
Walk report to follow the pictures.
The scene at Portpatrick. Neither my camera or Scoops could do justice to the fierceness of the waves.
Anyhow, our leader had an alternative short walk for us. We'd have been blown off the cliffs if we'd done the original scheduled walk. One of our club members had already been blown off all fours and she decided to call it a day before we moved on.

We drove out towards Leswalt and parked up at Glenvallagh, the home of today's leader.
We'll be heading into the Lochnaw estate. This is a popular area which we like to come back to.

'Why is there no one riding us today ?'

Only nine of us today. For the weather conditions that's a fair crowd.

Every time we come here the owners have completed more restoration work.

Would this fella be known as a cherub ? On the right is one of the Kinsale Hounds, going back to a time when there were still wolves in Ireland. The hounds were bred to hunt the wolves.

Our happy group................

....................and again..........
Watch what happens when the above two pictures are speeded up together.

Now which member of today's group could this be ?

I think John (Two Sticks) would have given a better impression.

View from the loch side

There's some sort of symmetry about this picture Scoop, almost a composition !
Would it win a prize though ?

It's not alive, honest !

A look at the walled garden before making our way back to the start.
An enjoyable walk in amiable company with tasty fare at Soleburn to finish.

Wigtownshire Ramblers Saturday 14th of December
With a worsening weather forecast, gale force winds and large waves crashing on to the rocks, the walkers gathered at Portpatrick were offered a safer shorter alternative to the planned clifftop walk by today's leader.
After relocating to a new walk start at Glenvallagh on the Leswalt road, nine intrepid walkers set out.
A short road walk brought the group to the entrance to Lochnaw Home Farm. A mixed group of ponies took an interest in our passing, the usually busy riding stables were deserted.
The weather remained blustery but not unduly wet as we reached Lochnaw Castle and admired the architecture. Our walk leader offered some of it's history and how it had been saved from being ruined.
After admiring the Kinsale Hounds, a magnificent pair of stone great danes, we made our way to the loch side where a short lunch break was taken. Swans and geese on the loch seemed unperturbed by the conditions.
After lunch a short walk led to the walled garden containing one of the finest collection of fruit trees in the UK. Some of the trees, viewed through the gates, still had fruit hanging from their branches.
Wood carvings seen today included the snake from the Jungle Book and a grumpy old man.
To complete the circular walk we emerged from the estate at Kathleen Cottage and made our way back to the vehicles.
Tea, coffee, scones and cake at the Soleburn Cafe concluded a blustery but enjoyable walk.

Next week the group will make their way up to the Dark Sky Observatory at Craigengillan for a guided tour of Craigengillan House and gardens, a walk up Ness Glen and a presentation at the observatory.This will be followed by a Christmas Dinner at the Clachan Inn at St Johns Town of Dalry. Meet for car sharing at the Breastworks car park in Stranraer at 10.30 am, the Riverside car park in Newton Stewart at 11.00 am,  or the observatory at Craigengillan NS 473 023.
As this is a pre-booked occasion, anyone wishing to join the day out must first contact the walk leader on 01671 403351


  1. What a lovely, picturesque place! Love the horses! The photo where you imitated the the wood carved face made me smile. :)

  2. It's been a pretty wild couple of weeks, weather wise so that's a good turnout. Looks like you enjoy yourselves in any conditions.

  3. YOu'll be glad to get back to the Scottish weather!! The weekend was pretty wild - you're brave souls - and 9 of you !!

    Nice looking castle and the carved man nailed to the tree is great.

    Tea and scones - I'll bet you've missed that (I would anyway). I hear they have some poor ideas about tea over the pond.


Thanks for all your comments. I may not get to reply to them all, but you may be sure they'll be appreciated.