Tuesday 11 February 2014

Saturday night at the Swan

Though I didn't walk on Saturday, I decided I was well enough for the night out at the Swan Inn I blogged about last week.
I was in the company of these lovely ladies and Mr Lionheart.

On first was the very talented Mr Jim Hamilton.
Here's his home page.
Jim Jam Music there's also a link on his home page to his Facebook page.
I took some video throughout the night, but the video/audio quality isn't great. However I have uploaded it to Youtube and I'll share it here.

Jim's an excellent musician and singer. He goes way back and appeared on Hughie Green's Opportunity Knocks back in the 70's. 'Rock n' Roll Marionette' was a big European hit for him and Adrian Duncan.  

My video doesn't do him justice.

Next we had something totally different from Mr Richard IPaint
His Facebook Page, The Lounge Punk Blues of Richard IPaint makes this declaration.

BE AMAZED! - By this Living Throwback to a Bygone Age when Musicianship was an Optional Extra...
THRILL! - To the "Pure Poetry" of his Self -Penned observational Lyrics...
HOPE! - That the Next Band is about to come On...

According to one of our party, the Sloane Ranger, his lyrics on the following songs drove her to drink!
Spot on Richard !.

We were now in a merry mood for the main act of the night.....
............and these shoes assisted in that merriment.
I had 'Winkle Pickers' as teenager, but I'd have been the kingpin with these on.

They've a real professional set up of instruments and sound.
I've a nodding acquaintance with one well known member of the group.
That's Mr Bruce McKenzie, writer, broadcaster and musician.  

Here's a video I took of him singing at Kirkcudbright a while back.

You can follow these guys on Facebook at
Scruffy Buzzards
I do need new video equipment. I've a feeling my directional microphone is on the blink. It picked up the instruments well enough, but seemed to muffle the voices a bit.
(Sorry too about the interlopers at 2.16 to 2.26, more interested in the booze than the music)

A few video stills in the above collage.

Again I'll apologise for the poor video quality.
This last clip is a compilation of some of their other songs. 
If you want a great night of music, these are the real deal.
"When they are not beating each other up with instruments, they produce a driving, rootsy, acoustic sound with original songs from the yearning to the foot stomping"
Says it all really !
We had a great night, thank you gentlemen.


  1. Nothing better than a cheery night down the pub with a good band, attractive ladies, and a few drinks Jim. Funnily enough Wicked Game- Chris Isaak was going to be my next video. Spooky stuff. That's a great version by the Scruffy Buzzards so I'll concede defeat... and de hands. .

  2. sounds and looks like a wonderful evening
    fab shoes!

  3. Looks like a great time! I love those shoes!

  4. Well Jim, you would have missed a grand night indeed if you had not have been well enough to attend!
    "Winkle Pickers"?? now those I will have to google. :)

  5. Hi Bob, I remember that comment from Ida Amin's chiropodist - there is nothing wrong in defeat.
    Ir was Tammie, thanks.
    Thanks Linda, you'd have liked the entertainment I think.
    The 50's and 60's Rose, a little girl wouldn't really remember them !

  6. I've had difficulty catching the Scruffy Buzzards, they seem to play on session nights or when I'm not here - I'm sure they can't avoid me forever.
    Richard Ipaint paints a cracking pictures as well - says he's got a CD out. I wonder how long it will take me to track one down.


Thanks for all your comments. I may not get to reply to them all, but you may be sure they'll be appreciated.