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Sunday 28 September 2014

Wigtownshire Ramblers Saturday 27 September Finnarts Bay to Cairnryan

Being unfit to walk this weekend, it was left to Scoop to do the honours of the report and photographs. Here's a compilation of her pictures and her report for the Ramblers and Ramblers Scotland Facebook pages. Her excellent report follows the pictures.
More pictures on Gordon's Blog. 

Wigtownshire Ramblers Saturday 27 September
Finnarts Bay to Cairnryan

Here's Scoop's report
Twenty three walkers, many making use of their precious bus passes, helped to fill the bus which took them from Cairnryan to the turnoff on the A77 to Finnarts Bay.  After introducing a new walker and welcoming back one who had rejoined them after an enforced absence, the leader gave a brief description of the walk before setting off down towards the bay.
After passing what used to be a fish factory and using the beautifully restored bridge over the Water of App, the group walked along the hard track beside Garry Wood, the trees in which are starting to wear autumnal colours.  A few moments were taken to admire a magnificent bull amongst a field of cows before they passed Finnarts Farm and continued on along the tree lined road track to reach the Bridge of the Mark, re-crossing the river to gain the A77.  The traffic was braved for a hundred metres before turning into the track leading up towards Wee Leith Hill. This is the Glen App to Stranraer section of the Mull of Galloway Trail.

Now the walking became harder as the zig-zagging climb began, frequent stops for breath, drinks of water and photo taking essential. Gaining height, we were soon able to look back down to Glenapp Church and the rhododendrons on the opposite hill. The rhododendrons once spelled out ‘Elsie’ but now only the odd letter can be guessed at.  An information board told us a little of the life of Elsie Mackay, daughter of the 1st Earl of Inchcape, who found fame as an actress and who became a very competent pilot.  She was lost over the Atlantic on her bid to become the first pilot to cross it, east to west.  The view across Glen App was a spectacular one over heather, bracken and trees with their changing colours, while the entrance to Loch Ryan and the Mull of Kintyre showed pale blue to the west.
Our track now became a forestry one with much evidence of the massive cull of Larch trees owing to widespread disease.  However, the views have now opened up to give us a bigger perspective of the area.  Logs were piled high beside the route and tree stumps were in abundance – giving the Ramblers perfect seating for lunch as they neared the edge of Low Marsh Forest.
Blood sugar brought back to satisfactory levels, the group started their descent, turning westwards above Old Park of the Gleick, looking across the loch to the North Rhins of Galloway.  A farmer had expressed his opinion on Scottish independence with a resounding ‘NO’, ploughed into a field.  After crossing the almost dry Galloway burn and looking down on the ferry terminals of Cairnryan there was a last uphill trek to the Taxing Stane  where once travellers had to pay to use the road crossing between Wigtownshire and Ayrshire, and to the Gcon gun battery of Little Laight Hill.  An information board informed us that this marked the burial-place of Alpin, the King of Dalriada and father of Kenneth McAlpine, King of the Scots, killed in 741 in Glenapp.
Turning away from the track near Little Laight, the walkers descended to pass through Meikle Laight and were delighted to watch while sheep were having their toe nails clipped – lying on their backs, on a table, feet upwards!   An offer was made to the group to have theirs done but they were on the move again, heading for the reservoir and weir close by.
From there it was a lovely descent through woodlands, following the course of Glen Burn, to reach the cars in the north car park of Cairnryan.  Most of the group gathered again to enjoy the excellent refreshments provided at the Merchants House – they are highly recommended by the Wigtownshire Ramblers!
The walk on Saturday 4th October is an 8 mile C grade figure of eight walk at the Mull of Galloway.  Meet for car sharing at the Riverside, Newton Stewart at 9am, at Port Rodie, Stranraer or the walk start at the Mull of Galloway (NX 154 304) at 10am.  For further details or if going to the start please phone the walk leader on 01776 840636. New members are always welcome.

Galloway Wildlife Conservation Park

Feeling under the weather from my visit to the dentist and after seeing a friend's zoo pictures I felt like a visit to the wildlife park was overdue.
Here then are pictures and a video from a trip to the Galloway Wildlife Conservation Park on the 26th of September 2014
Previous visits to the park.

Oriental Otter

Oriental Otter

PUDU - The worlds smallest deer





Azara's Agouti

Mara - Patagonian Cavy

Blue and Yellow Macaw

Senegal Parrot

Asian Leopard Cat

Yellow Mongoose

Quail ?

Scottish Wildcat


South American Tapir

African Serval Cat

Cotton - Top Tamarin

Great Grey Owl

Sarus Crane

Red Breasted Goose

Snowy Owl

Maned Wolf


Corsac Fox

European Owl

Ring Tailed Lemur


Red Panda

Eurasian Lynx 

Sorry my mistake, this is the Caracal Lynx

Here's a compilation video.
Filmed on the 26th of September 2014.
A few of the delightful animals at the Galloway Wildlife Conservation Park at Kirkcudbright in South West Scotland.

The Red Panda were a little shy today.

The accompanying music is Mendelssohn's Concerto for violin, piano and orchestra in d minor - II, downloaded from and attributed to ONCLASSICAL by Stefano Micheletti from

Monday 22 September 2014

Fungi September 2014

Pictures of mushrooms and toadstools I've taken the past few weeks.
There is a website called Wild About Britain. In it there's a page called British Fungi Identification
I've only put the links in, in case anyone reading wants to identify a certain species since I'm not going to. 
There is one large mushroom shown that may cause merriment to some readers. I make no comparisons of it's shape to anyone I know !
The last two pictures are non fungal, but I've included them in this post because I can.

Two butterflies had flown away by the time I took the above picture.
It looks as though the sap coming out of a tree on the banks of the Bladnoch has attracted them.

I just caught this heron before it disappeared.

Hope you all enjoyed the 'shrooms.

Have a nice day.
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Morning deer

Morning deer
is someone watching me