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Friday 31 October 2014

Family Visit Outings - Part Two

Thursday the 30th of October.
It was a miserable morning and after a fairly uneventful run down Loch Ken (we didn't even catch sight of a red kite) we're back at one of my favourite places in Galloway.
I was here just a month ago and it's always been a favourite of Callum and Erin.

Here's a few pictures

After the wildlife park we paid our first ever visit to the Chocolate Factory
We're about five years too late for Callum and Erin, but we did buy a lot of chocolate.

Heading back home we stopped at the Galloway Lodge Cafe in Gatehouse of Fleet for refreshments and some gift shopping.

Back along the A75, we stopped for a walk at Caskiel Point on the Kirkmabreck Quarry Quay.
Thanks to Canmore for this picture.
There was a surge of excitement and a short flurry of activity a couple of years ago when there was talk of the quay re-opening for the loading of timber. 
Haven't heard anything more since though.

Iron remnants of the industrial past.
(Safeticurb is a drainage system)

Finding a rusty old bearing we've created an artwork by placing it on a concrete 'clast'.
Beats Tracey Emin's bed in my book.

With Callum being well into music ( SOUNDCLOUD ), he and Erin got a great sound and rhythm going when rocking this corrugated iron roof.

Here endeth Family Visit Outings. 
It was great to see you guys, come back soon.

Thursday 30 October 2014

Family Visit Outings - Part One

28th and 29th of October 2014.
Regular blog readers will know my eldest daughter and my two eldest grandchildren.
They're staying wiith me for a few days during school half term. This post covers Tuesday and Wednesday. It'll be short on information as I'll mostly let the pictures tell their own story. 
After they'd settled in, myself Michele, Callum and Erin went along to Kirroughtree to do some stargazing. 

We didn't have a camera that would take starry pictures, but we had a great time looking through the binoculars.

Their first look at the Wheel Bridge.

"Now, how have our smart phone pictures come out"

Pictures by the Riverside.

Wednesday we took a trip up north to Culzean Castle.
After parking up at the visitor's centre we took a look down by the caves before doing the castle tour.

This picture was pure luck.

The curlew doesn't come out as 'arty' as the heron did !

The armoury is the first room

Susanna, Countess of Eglinton

There was a lego man spotting competion

I'd seen this on a previous visit, but one of the room guides reminded me of how the foot strangely keeps pointing towards you. In these two pictures of mine though, it looks like she herself has turned to follow us.

A short rest in the orangery

Erin through one of the peepholes in the viaduct guard house

Visitors exhibition centre

Duck pond

From Culzean we took a run up to Ayr for some sightseeing..............

...............and shopping

Dinner at the 'Clachan' at St Johns town of Dalry ended an enjoyable day.
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Morning deer

Morning deer
is someone watching me