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Wednesday 28 May 2014

Ramblers trip to Wales - May 2014 - Part Three - Llanberis

Thursday the 22nd of May
This was to be my last day in Wales as we returned to Galloway on Friday morning.
Again I'm first up and after breakfast I watched this heron looking for breakfast. I did see him/her dip, but there was no classic stretch of the neck to swallow. 
They have the patience though and I've no doubt he/she dined.

This was the building at the back next to our house.

Once we were all ready, we headed back to Llanberis for a walk round Llyn Padarn.
There was a fair amount of activity on the water as we parked up at Padarn Country Park.

Snowdon summit was under cloud.

We were here to do the Llanberis Lake Walk
A friendly dog and an abandoned tunnel on the old L&NWR line between Caernarfon and Llanberis.

The info board and plaque at Craig Yr Undeb (Rock of the Union). At the back of the rock we saw school children learning rock climbing.

Our walking musician decided against wild swimming with her clothes on.
We crossed the Pont Pen y Llyn, a bridge built in 1826.

We passed many colourful gardens.
Bottom left above was thought to be some form of press ?

Self catering cottages, Gunnera and a converted chapel.

Someone spotted a cafe ! It's the Padarn Cafe.
It has some great reviews on Trip Advisor

It's a lovely place and good to see that it's a non profit making cafe that employs lovely people with learning disabilities. Pots of tea with no tea bags initially made us laugh, but what a delightful experience. Great fare and great value for money too.

There's something visual to photograph around every corner.

This is the top entrance to Cae Mabon, an eco retreat centre described on the website as a 'Welsh Shangri La'. 
 If any of my friends after clicking on the link are considering a retreat, please let me know..........I may well join you ! 

The hardest climb of the day isn't really hard. It takes us up to Allt Wen (Hill White) viewpoint. Beautiful views.

These fellas take no notice of our passing !

Though we don't know it yet we'll visit this complex.

We made our way down to Gilfach Ddu
The remnants of the slate quarries dominate the hillside.

I photograph the Lake Railway train. (Spot the photograph of a photograph)
Remember this girls ?

It's turned a little showery, so how about a quick look in the Slate Museum.
One of the first things we did inside was to visit their small cinema and watch the presentation of 'To Steal A Mountain'. It tells the story of the quarry’s development in pictures, words and music. Very educational and entertaining.

After the film we split up and explored.
What a fantastic place to visit.

As a youngster and well into the eighties and nineties I worked in heavy industry in foundries, steelworks and docks.
There was so much here to bring back memories. 

The Foundry

The big water wheel was turning.

As an apprentice weighing machine mechanic in Auchtermuchty I remember tempering steel in fires like those on the right. I also remember getting a finger blister from a slipping vice handle like the one top left.

The board top right took me back to the rope haulage system I worked down the Cults Limestone Mine.

Below: Hugh Richard Jones first manager of the National Slate Museum 1969.  
There's a nostalgic look back by his son Elwyn Jones on this Museum Wales Webpage.

 My fellow walker Miss Goodnight, the one in the mini skirt, sent me this. This leads to a kids playground at the rear end of the museum. Lovely ! 

Eventually we all dragged our way out to lunch watching the trains birds and tourists.

Back on the move we rounded the south eastern end of the lake.

We had intended to visit Dolbadarn Castle, but having spent so long at the museum we were out of time.
We were now making our way back to the cars.

There's feathery activity in and out of the lake.

Here's a couple of pictures from an earlier visit. Probably 26 years ago and not the 30 years I originally thought. (Note the hair has still some colour !)

The Snowdon Star sits quietly waiting for the summer season.
We were soon back at the cars and on the road.

Once back at Caernarfon we readied ourselves for our dinner at the Black Boy.
Thanks again to Miss Goodnight for this picture.
A very enjoyable night in the company of great pals.
Friday morning after breakfast me and the teacher hit the road back to Galloway.

That was a great trip, thanks to A'O'K and Shorty for their excellent organisation. 

Monday 26 May 2014

Ramblers trip to Wales - May 2014 - Part Two - Snowdon

Wednesday the 21st of May
I got up early. Breakfast was porridge, fruit and toast and I had my pack up ready.
Once we were all ready we set off for Llanberis.
The summit of Snowdon would be the target.

Llanberis was just getting busy when we arrived. I eventually found the right car park. Day parking fees were down from £6 to £2. The Snowdon Mountain Railway train was ready to go.

We were soon on our way.

I don't intend to go into any detail about our route as the pictures show the terrain. It was great weather.
Shorty had worked out that the Snowdon Ranger Path would suit our group best, but first we had to walk there. The map above gives a rough outline of our ascent and our descent via the Llanberis Path

Leaving Llanberis.

Leaving tarmac and taking to the paths.

First view of one of the Mountain Railway carriages.

Crossing the Afon Arddu

The disused slate quarries below Elidir Fawr

First view of Snowdon Summit.

Highland Cattle

The outlet of a burn, the train again, an isolated cottage's power source ? and a well laid path.



Apparently some wildlife photographers come here just to capture the chough. I got lucky. 

The Rangers Path

A moments rest.

Group picture.

The real climb beginning.

Looking down on Llyn Ffynnon-y-gwas Reservoir, Llanberis and neighbouring hills and lakes.

Lunch stop.

I asked for this picture because of the view. I never thought that the path repair rock bags would have such an impact on the picture. 

View south.

Still a way off the summit, but my camera zooms in. It looks busy !

Here's a panorama. 

It's an amazing railway.

It's a rocky terrain close to the summit. A standing stone points the way.

The views are amazing.

The summit is busy.

We made it to the Snowdon Summit Visitors Centre. A few of the group (the fittest) got here a while back.
My bottle of Snowdon's Lager hardly touched my lips.

Though it was still busy as I made my way up to the summit, I got a kind couple to take this picture of me.
It was reciprocal when they asked me to do likewise.

Do the gulls fly up for the day, or are they resident ?

Four of the group decided to take the train down. We waved them off.

Four of our lassies on top.

That train looks more comfortable than our descent !

Looking down on Glaslyn and Llyn Llydaw.

Looking down on Clogwyn Station.

A moments rest and a wave from the engine driver.

Looking down on Llyn Du'r Arddu and a wave from some passengers.

The path begins to level out..............

................and we're back in Llanberis.
From around halfway down I felt the need for a fizzy drink. Back at the station the cafe had just closed and the drinks machine was broken. Luckily I was directed to the gift shop where I was able to quench my thirst.

What a brilliant day, we climbed Snowdon !!!

Another late picture thanks to Miss Goodnight.
The after Snowdon party on the deck. A great way to celebrate climbing the highest mountain in England and Wales.

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Morning deer

Morning deer
is someone watching me