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Showing posts with label Almorness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Almorness. Show all posts

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Walkfest - The Almorness Peninsula - May 2014

Tuesday 12th of May
Today I joined another fourteen good people at Dashwood square for the bus to head east for a coastal walk around the Almorness peninsula.
We picked up another four walkers in the village of Palnackie making our group nineteen which included our leader A.O.K, a mountain rescue volunteer and a D & G guide.
The bus dropped us close to Orchardton Tower. (I've spent too long looking through photographs to find those of myself on top around ten years ago)

There's a fair mix of folk, I talked to people from Northumberland, Perthshire, South Yorkshire , Edinburgh and Glasgow.

We road walked south to begin with.
These two appeared to be posing for the camera. Too cute !

The road finished here at Almorness House.
Part of this walk can be found on the Auchencairn Webpage.

We slow down to a stroll so as not to disturb sheep and lambs.

Today's walkers take a breather.

We soon reach a point where I can zoom across Orchardton and Auchencairn Bays to take this picture of the Balcary Bay Hotel.

This lady from Perthshire when asked said "Publish away", my pleasure madam.
There is occasional mud today !

Now on the Almorness Peninsula proper, back across Orchardton Bay stand the popular walking heights of Screel and Bengairn.

Continuing south east, the weather's fine but there is a forecast of heavy showers.

Another boggy section brings us to this stile. There's an easier gate alongside and we all used that.
I thought this made an interesting picture.

The high point on the peninsula is known as the Moyl, and on reaching it we had a great view of Hestan Island.  Click on the link to learn of the smugglers, the monks and the one time king of Scotland's who've been resident here.

One or two erratics sit on the Moyl and our leaders gave good accounts of the geology and history of the area.

How many directions can we all look to ?

A muddyish descent from the Moyl brings us views across the Rough Firth of the coastal villages of Rockcliffe and Kippford. 

The clouds are beginning to gather. The track has become a little stony and rough.

Lunch is taken on the beautiful sandy beach of Horse Isles Bay.

After an enjoyable relaxing lunch, my Nikon went back in it's case and my Pentax came out.
I didn't bother to take a picture of the wild orchids we passed, by now it was pouring rain.
A fence with a small difficult stile required a helping hand.

Despite the rain we still enjoyed lots of colourful countryside.

Sitting along the track is a fine example of a 'Dolly Tub' complete with soap holder.

Back at Almorness House it's a colourful picture.

William Douglas of Almorness was a member of parliament in the 19th century. There is mention of an Almorness House in old OS maps a couple of hundred yards south east of here. This house is far too new to be 19th century.

Our path now takes us in front of the house. It looks a bit quiet.
(Eagle eyed readers will notice that in the top picture, the sign is somewhat out of kilter. It's a bit of photographic enhancement on my part so that the sign can be read)

Our track now takes us up to North Glen...................

..................then South Glen.

Our last views of the bay as we walk the road back to Palnackie.
North Glen Glass, sign bottom left above looks to be worth a visit.

The meandering Urr Water brings us back into the village of Palnackie.
The World Flounder Tramping Competion was abandoned on health and safety grounds a few years ago, but one of the local walkers told me it's to be resurrected this year.

We say goodbye to the walkers who joined us here. Nice talking to you ladies.

The bus awaits so we've no time to visit the Glenisle
It's been a very enjoyable walk.
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