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Showing posts with label Britannia Airport Hotel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Britannia Airport Hotel. Show all posts

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Weekend Memories - Northenden, Manchester - May 2014 - Part One

After a puncture and a slight delay my fellow conventioneers picked me up. They gave me a lift to the Britannia (Airport) Hotel where we spent the weekend attending the 35th Annual UK Convention of 'The Sons of the Desert' 
The car was suitably adorned.

I took a few pictures en route.
(Carrutherstown, field near Annan, Lancaster motorway services)

We made good time and arrived early afternoon.

The convention was hosted by the 'Be Big' tent of Manchester in association with the 'Blotto' tent of Tameside. 
(A note here that the best number one Laurel and Hardy site on the internet is the host of the above link at The Nutty News Network and on Facebook too.)
A goodie bag at the registration table included beer...................

..................the T shirt.....................

.................and the Programme of Events.

We quickly settled in as had many other tents. That's my Grand Sheik top right.

I took a little look down Northenden before dinner.

The venue for Sunday's activities.

Food in the Britannia was by self service and generally of good wholesome quality.
I was able to pace myself well over the weekend.
The first night's entertainment was provided by Planet Abba..............

.................and they soon had the 'Sons and Daughters' Super Troupering to the Name of the Game with plenty of Dancing Queens.

Apart from a little too much reverberating feedback from amplifier, a great night was had by all.


After an early breakfast I took a short walk up to Wythenshawe Park. I also walked there on Sunday and there'll be pictures of Wythenshawe Hall in part two.

Back at the hotel Sue (organised much of the weekend) showed off a specially prepared cake donated by an enthusiast. 
Sue had also begun to work tirelessly collecting for the charity benefiting from the weekend's activities.
Reuben’s Retreat is a charity that was born in memory of Reuben Michael Graham who tragically passed away aged 23 months.
"Our goal is to provide a retreat in the North West of England countryside that will relieve the distress of families and their close friends who have suffered the bereavement of a child or have a child suffering from a life limiting or life threatening illness."

We congregated at the front of the hotel to await our transport for our away day.

One of our two buses.

There's almost a melee to board the classic coach.

It's a 1951 Leyland Royal Tiger and it's illustrious history and rescue from the scrapyard can be read on a P.D.F here at  K.R.Walsh Classics

A twenty minute drive and we're here at the Stockport Plaza
A fantastic afternoon included an introduction to the staff and volunteers who've made this a magical venue, a behind the scenes tour and a film show. The feature film was 'The Sons of the Desert', followed by the shorter 'Big Business', 'Any Old Port' and 'The Midnight Patrol'.

Comfortably seated.
The Plaza first opened its doors to the public on 7th October 1932, with a charity show for Stockport Infirmary. The films shown were “Jailbird”, starring Laurel and Hardy, and “Out of the Blue” with Gene Gerrard and Jessie Matthews.

Introductions and a short history.
(The removal of false floors and ceilings from it's period as a bingo hall being a major undertaking)

Behind the stage.

Working Parts !

Heading backstage upstairs.

Possibly Ken Dodd's dressing room.

The bar.

As a healthy heterosexual teenage male in the 50's I had the lady on the left above on quite a pedestal.
She'll be 78 in a couple of weeks and lives in Hollywood these days. Norma Ann Sykes was better known as Sabrina. There's a dedicated website at The Encyclopaedia Sabrina     
I was never as suave and debonair as Leslie Philips, but is there a likeness ?. 
Ken Dodd has appeared here more often than any other star.

Stars portraits line the corridors.

Before and after.
The bingo hall and now.

The tour ends on the balcony.

It's a magnificent venue.

After the tour we were treated to tea,coffee and biscuits with a little time before the show to stretch our legs.

I believe the car, a 1935 Austin Berkeley belongs to the cinema manager.

Back inside  the Compton Organ is about to vanish into the pit below.

It's a brilliant experience once again watching these on a full size cinema screen.

Again, the eighty plus years old Compton rises for the intermission. There's soon a queue for ices.

After the show I take a walk with a fellow 'Son' around the complex. Originally hewn out of rock if I heard right. 

There's another surprise for us as the Belle Vue Coach Hire has sent another old bus for our return.

This one is a former Birmingham Corporation bus, and the top deck is the first to be filled.

I manage to get a few snaps from the top deck.

After dinner, Saturday night is fancy dress, 'sons entertain', (we have some talented people), dancing and a one off show.
It's a party mood.

Our one off show was a cracker.
 Read the review of the night at Lucky Dog Theatre Productions.

A conga line develops.

It's a brassy blonde on the end. Nice outfit Sue !

Could it be the ghost of Ollie in our midst ?

I'm led to believe that some revellers stayed up till gone 4am. I'd have been nicely asleep by then.

In part two there's Wythenshawe Park and Hall, Parade of Tents with the GMP brass band and St Wilfreds Tower among other stuff. See you there. 

Saturday, 3 May 2014

Weekend Memories - Northenden, Manchester - May 2014 - Part Two

(N.B. I've published quite a number of photographs of people. I see there are also lots of pictures of the occasion already on other social media sites. If any 'Sons' or 'Daughters' are offended by any of them then let me know and I'll take them down. On the other hand however, If anyone wants a full size copy of any picture, I'll endeavour to get one to you.)    

Sunday 4th of May

I was again up early enough to head out for a walk after breakfast. 
It's just a few hundred yards to Wythenshawe Park.
The first thing I encountered was this statue of Oliver Cromwell. 
Looking on the internet, an often asked question is why is there a statue to Oliver Cromwell here.
The answer can be found on this PMSA Website. 

This is Wythenshawe Hall. Former home of the Tatton family, but now owned by Manchester City Council.

It's has nice colourful gardens. While I walked through, I was passed by cyclists, runners and dog walkers, so it's well used.

I get back to the hotel in time for the start of the parade. 
We'd walk on the main road into Northenden led by the Greater Manchester Police Band.

Meercat sons tucked away in a handbag. They look so alive don't they.

Tent banners are at the ready.

Apologies for this picture but it's in the spirit of the SOTD.
(Apologies if it's you in the picture)
The terms plumber butt (Canadian, Australian and American English) and builder's bum (British English) refer to the exposure of male buttock cleavage, especially on occasions of careless bending over. Also plumber's crack is used in some parts of Australia. The expression "builder's bum" was first recorded in 1988. The terms are based on the popular impression that work in these professions frequently involves bending over in locations where bystanders are observing from the rear.
In the Netherlands the term bouwvakkersdecolleté and in Germany Maurerdekolleté is used, which can be translated as "builder's/masoner's cleavage". In France, it is usually referred to as le sourire du plombier, which translates to "the plumber's smile".

It was around 400 yards to the Northenden Social Club. There were a good few people out on street corners to watch us go by. We gave and got lots of  'Hello's' and 'Goodbyes'. 

In the club grounds, banners and costumes were proudly displayed for photo opportunities.

As well as the banners, the boys, Stan alias Tony Carpenter and Ollie alias Philip Hutchinson got a great reception.
Their production of 'Hats off to Laurel and Hardy' can be seen at the The Grand Pavilion Matlock on Saturday the 26th of July

A 'son' of high renown, recognisable by his titfer, queued up for  a quaff. 

The band were soon settled and 'in the mood'. Well known tunes were soon melodically wafting across the neighbourhood. 

A peaceful (but party) mood descended.
Camilla the camel really enjoyed herself when the band played excerpts from 'The Desert Song'

The Pee-Wee contest began. (Pee-Wee was the game played by Stan in Babes in Toyland, and is played at most Sons of the Desert Conventions)

A dead heat required a play-off to determine the winner.

In the club the local press are taking pictures.

Following an enjoyable buffet, the Stan Hooton memorial quiz took place and was won by the team from Belgium.

A walk along church road. Apparently the Church Inn is to be converted to a block of four dwellings.

We came to St Wilfreds to climb the tower.

The present church's history goes back to the 17th century, but the first mention of it is in the Domesday book of  1086.

Gargoyles were aplenty. The barbed wire is to deter lead thieves.

The church interior.

We gathered ready to climb the tower.
Our guide was the rector of the church, the reverend Greg Forster.

Up the narrow spiral staircase our first floor is the bell ringing room.

There's a knack to campanology..................

.................Greg showed us how it should be done.

The clockworks and the bells.

It's not a particularly high tower, but the views were very extensive.

This is a zoom to Manchester City's stadium.

The city skyline.

Sadly, our hotel looks like a lump of concrete.

I mentioned the barbed wire as a deterrent to lead thieves, they've never taken any from the tower, these markings are from the 18th century.

The roof layers of 1774.
That was a brilliant tour, thanks Greg.

After the tower some sons and daughters retired to the Crown Inn across the road while some of us made our way back to the hotel for dinner and the nights entertainment.

Our last night in Manchester turned into a headbanger. The group were the excellent Queen II.
It's been a long time since this 70 year old head banged so much.
All my pictures that night came out blurred so all I can offer is this smart phone clip.

Monday Morning

After breakfast and a highly enjoyable walk I was back at the hotel for the Grand Sheiks meeting. We soon headed home with a short stop in scenic Kendal.
What a fabulous weekend.
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