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Showing posts with label Cats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cats. Show all posts

Friday, 27 February 2015

Another Gallimaufry from around Newton Stewart February 2015

A few pictures from around Newton Stewart over the last ten days.
A head cold and a sore knee limited my activities over the last fortnight but I took pictures.
I'm now back to normal (well as normal as I can be)

The swans are back on Blairmount Pond.
The ducks are getting fat.
Cats are prowling.
Geese are flapping.
Crocuses are budding.
Snowdrops have ripened fully.
Frogs and toads are spawning.
It's rained, snowed, sleeted and hailstones have fallen.
The moon shines, leaves are budding.
An old milk bottle surfaces and old buildings are crumbling.
That's yer lot in the description department, I hope there's a picture for you to enjoy.

Cheerio the noo.

Friday, 21 November 2014

A Photo Farrago

A few pictures from my comings and goings this week. It's been quite dull.

A 'Glebe' cat and a pair of Ox-Eye Daisy (Leucanthemum Vulgare)

The Kayleigh M at Portpatrick

The Kayleigh M heading out to sea, perhaps home to Islay

Ireland obscured by cloud, from Portpatrick

Gull at Portpatrick

Portpatrick Harbour

Wig Bay, Loch Ryan

View of Stena from Wig Bay

Boat Club Wig Bay , boats and birds

Loch Ryan for lunch !

Oyster Catchers, Stranraer

Spittal Bridge on the Bladnoch

Fungi near Spittal

A colourful cock pheasant between High and Middle Threave

Jerry the kitten, the Glebe

Robin, Barnkirk Road

Two high speed bursts on Blairmount duck pond produced these nine pictures

Bye bye for now
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Morning deer

Morning deer
is someone watching me