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Showing posts with label Curleywee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Curleywee. Show all posts

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

The Minnigaff Hills-Part 2

It's Tuesday the 2nd of March 2010,and after yesterdays Minnigaff Hills blog,I decided I needed a closer look.

I parked up at Auchinleck,and headed north on the forest road which eventually runs alongside the Penkiln Burn up into the hills.

As I head through the Lamachan Forest,I spot a couple of deer on the move.Since i failed to get a picture,i decide i needed something.This odd looking stump became the alternative.

A couple of miles in the views open up.

The Penkiln burn has no two views the same.

About three miles in now,and i get this picture of Bennanbrack and Curleywee.

About three and a half miles in the road finishes.I started late today,so i'm not going much further.What looks like a path veers off towards Lamachan.I head on straight up for a few hundred yards,but after finishing up in the middle of a bog,I'll call it a day.
I could have sworn there were people walking up Curleywee,but after zooming in on this picture I'm having second thoughts.
After a short descent I take another Panorama.

This one starts at Cordorcan Craigs under Larg Hill,on past Lamachan Scar,Ellergower,Cooper Scar and Scars of Lamachan (Not to be confused with Lamachan Scar).Then over to Bennanbrack,Scars of Milldown and Curleywee.
I'll make an early start when I decide to do it.
I should have the company of a fellow rambler,which makes sense.
Looking forward to it.

Monday, 1 March 2010

The Minnigaff Hills

After a long cold spell it's the 1st of March 2010,and there's still snow up on the Galloway Hills.

This looks like the twin peaks of Larg Hill.We'll be up there later this year.

There's either sleet or snow falling on Cairnsmore of Fleet.

Two different views of Drigmorn and Millfore

I'm going to have to climb Curleywee on my own sometime,because when the ramblers are due to do it this year,I'll be in Llanfairfechan at a retirement party.

And finally a panorama.

Here's what Wikipedia say about the Minnigaff Hills.

These hills (which offer excellent views into the heartland of the Galloway hills) lie just south of the east end of Loch Trool and they stretch to the shores of Clatteringshaws Reservoir. Their southern boundary is the A712 New Galloway to Newton Stewart road.
The battle which Bruce's Stone commemorates was actually fought (in 1307) at the south east end of Loch Trool where Muldonnoch (561 metres) falls steeply into it. South east of Muldonnoch is Lamachan Hill (717 metres), and from there you can head south west along a ridge to Larg Hill (676 metres) or head east over Bennanbrack (685 metres) to Curleywee (674 metres) where you join a small ridge that runs north/south. North takes you one and a half kilometres over White Hill (606 metres) to Loch Dee. The southern ridge is some three and a half kilometres long gradually dropping in height over its length to Black Benwee (368 metres).
Some two kilometres east of Loch Dee a ridge of hills runs from just south of Darrou in a south westerly direction and in fact these hills are really a continuation of the line of the Rhinns of Kells. From north to south the hills are Cairngarroch (557 metres) Cairnbaber (569 metres above the Buckdas of Cairnbaber), Millfore (656 metres) and Drigmorn Hill (545 metres).
There is also a small range of hills just to the west of Clatteringshaws Reservoir. On Darnaw (472 metres) the highest of these hills there is monument to those who died here in an air crash on 2nd February 1937.
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Morning deer

Morning deer
is someone watching me