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Showing posts with label Mad about the Musicals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mad about the Musicals. Show all posts

Thursday, 10 June 2010

Mad about the Musicals versus The Foottappers

Last Friday and Saturday the 4th and 5th of June I attended two different shows.

On Friday myself and a few fellow ramblers were at the Ryan Centre Stranraer to watch the show 'Mad about the Musicals'.
This clip is from the UK entertainment channel.

It was a very enjoyable and very professional show.I knew quite a few of the numbers,but not being up to date on the current shows there were some not so familiar.The seating in the Ryan Centre isn't the most comfortable either.

On Saturday night a friend from Glentrool had booked 'The Foottappers' to appear at the Cinema in Newton Stewart.
The following clip is a jamming session taking place in Glentrool.
It's one from Ray on Youtube.
Ray's Channel

On Saturday I was transported back to the days of my youth and all the guitar groups that ever played the dancehalls and ballrooms.

These youngsters and the old guy who's an ex shadow were just brilliant as well as the seating being more comfortable.

Click on the above cutting to read the review printed in the Free Press.I wonder who wrote it ?

As far as this old rocker is concerned,although more professional 'Mad about Musicals' came second.
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