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Showing posts with label Metamorphic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Metamorphic. Show all posts

Wednesday, 31 July 2013


This will be my first post containing one hundred pictures.
Quite a few readers will remember Tim Stephenson. On the Devil's Bridge walk of the Newton Stewart Walking Festival, he came along to share his geological knowledge. He's also a lapidary (or lapidarist).
 Here's My Post of those walks I did.
Tim and his wife Caroline run the Gem Rock Museum in Creetown, they're on Facebook too. 
I had occasion to go and ask Tim about a piece of rock that the 'Ranger' had found on the shores of Loch Doon. It was nothing too exciting, but Tim gave me a complimentary ticket to look around. Even though our rambling group call in to the cafe at least once a year, it's at least five years since I looked around the museum. Tuesday morning I headed over with my camera.

The good weather continues
The museum is well signposted from the A75

There's a few interesting sculptures in the drystone wall around the entrance.

Kings and Queens maybe ?

A self portrait and four stars from Visit Scotland

The entrance lobby

Fine words from John Ruskin

God of the grape harvest, winemaking and wine, of ritual madness and ecstasy

There now follows a great deal of pictures of the exhibits. It's difficult taking pictures through glass. I've had to lighten quite a few of those I took. Some of the labels are visible when the picture is enlarged, but others may have been blurred through the enhancement.
If anyone requires an explanation of any of the pictures I'd suggest getting in contact with Tim or Caroline. 
If I remember anything about any of the exhibits I'll leave a comment otherwise just enjoy the kaleidoscope.

I believe this sculpture is made out of petrified wood.

The next two pictures are of the same exhibit only the second one was with flash activated

This is a close up of the Amethyst Geode in the previous picture.

Quartz Sphalerite Pyrites

Olga, a 50,000 year old cave bear skeleton

I doubt very much that anyone could look at every exhibit in a day. It's a collection compiled by three generations of the Stephenson family.

I took a break along with other visitors to watch a video on rock and crystal formation....... the stylish Professors Study

The film which lasted around fifteen minutes was very informative and easy to follow.

The museum was once the village school, but education still goes on here. As well as visits by local school groups there's also a working gem cutting lapidary and gold/silversmith workshop.

The Prospectors Pantry serves excellent fare.

After enjoying a cup of coffee I headed for the Crystal Cave 
I don't know why I haven't taken my grandchildren here though perhaps two of them have been when I was busy once.

Here's a collage of the pictures I took inside the cave. These were taken with the camera flash on. Better, more colourful results could be achieved by a steady hand and no flash.

 I'll end my visit by taking a look at the shop.

I was last in the shop about three years ago buying a couple of presents for visitors from down south.
There looks to be more on sale now.

Thanks Tim and Caroline, I thoroughly enjoyed my look around.
I won't wait as long to revisit.
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