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Showing posts with label Mickey Mouse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mickey Mouse. Show all posts

Monday, 14 July 2014

Bladnoch Social Sunday - Ayrshire Commercial Vintage Vehicle Road Run - July 2014

This post contains photographs of people and exhibitors at a public event. Should any photograph offend, be deemed inappropriate or if you see any images which you feel should not be here, please contact me and I will remove the image. My email address can be found in the "View my complete profile" in the 'About Me' section in the right hand column.

Sunday the 13th of July.
An advertised event called 'Social Sunday' organized by the Wigtown Agricultural Society caught my eye.
It was advertised as 12 till 2 pm, but I got there a little early. 
My previous post showed the horse riding event.
This one shows trucks, trucks and more trucks.
(there is the odd surprise)
These trucks are on the annual Ayrshire Commercial Vintage Vehicle Road Run
There were trucks from all over Scotland, England and Ireland.
Mostly there'll just be the picture with no description. 
(Message to blog reading truckers, right click and 'Open in new tab' for full size.)

If you look above the number plate you can see this little lass is called Emma. 

Not Houston Texas, but Houston, Johnstone, Renfrewshire.

I relived my berry picking days with Jack.

James Kernohan from Randalstown.
James had fetched the family over. This was his first venture on this type of vintage trip. Nice to talk to you James, hope you had a great time.

Dromara's near Dromore in County Down. This truck reminds me of my first visit to Ireland.

A Yorkie

I remember tramping through Laneshawbridge in my army days, a beautiful part of Lancashire.

I think there were three Scotlee trucks in total (maybe more)

I loved this truck...........

.............and it's cargo!

David's brother from just along the A75 at Twynholm.

I think the guy in front was just passing. 
It took me a moment to remember this logo.
I think it was Trevor himself I spoke to. 
Back in my working day I had more to do with the other branch of the family.
Great to pass the time of day and reminisce.

Here's a local conversion.

The kettle's on.

We've something in common Mr and Mrs McCrea of Ballyclare

For non Scottish readers and the uninitiated Strathaven is prounounce Straiven.

Maybe he was going to Port William after this ?

Some nice artwork on the rear of the next three units.

It's known that some graffiti artists go on to be truck painting artists.
Well, I don't really know if that's right but there's supposed to be a 'Banksy' carrying freight around the motorways.

When I worked on the docks I never came across such a delightful container.
Nice talking to you lady from Kilmarnock and thanks for letting me take the pictures.

Heartfelt comment bottom left above.

As well as the trucks, a few escort vehicles were in attendance.

As well as the cream teas the two burger vans were busy.
Truckers and families get hungry !

The fire brigade were in attendance.

I was almost tempted to have a go.

Here's the line up.

Now Mickey says goodbye.
A very entertaining and interesting afternoon.

Update Tuesday the 15th
Here's an extra treat of photos supplied by my walking friend the 'Boatman'.

A couple of vintage cars spotted in the car park.

 A rarity.
This lovely lady goes by the name of Helen and is a 1959 Albion Victor.

Here, courtesy of is Helen in her working days.

Here's Pat and the 'Boatman'.

Another look at J.Leech of Haslington, Crewe..............

............and finally one from the 'Boatman''s home town. 
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