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Showing posts with label Shetland Ponies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shetland Ponies. Show all posts

Monday, 14 July 2014

Bladnoch Social Sunday - The Horse Show - July 2014

This post contains photographs of people and entrants at a public event. Should any photograph offend, be deemed inappropriate or if you see any images which you feel should not be here, please contact me and I will remove the image. My email address can be found in the "View my complete profile" in the 'About Me' section in the right hand column.

Sunday the 13th of July.
An advertised event called 'Social Sunday' organized by the Wigtown Agricultural Society caught my eye.
It was advertised as 12 till 2 pm, but I got there a little early. 
A light breeze and light clouds made it a pleasant day as I parked up in the field at Bladnoch Park and zoomed in on the Covenanter's Monument above Wigtown.

They were putting out the tables and chairs down at the clubhouse .
Around here £2 is great value for a cream tea.

I wandered over to the horses.
There were some very smart rigs on view.

I chatted to the owner of this mini Shetland foal. It was her first time to any event and she was understandably a little nervous. She's gorgeous, maybe I should get one.

All the horses were nicely groomed for the day.

I know very little about horses, but this one looked very much like the only horse I ever mounted.
That was back in British Guiana (Guyana) in 1965. Unless that horse has beaten the record of 61 years old, held by 'Old Billy' in the 19th Century, it'll be a long gone to horsey heaven.

The show's entrants seemed to range from little to large.

They paraded as a group.

Then individually.

I often wonder whether show horses have a happy life.
I spotted this on Wikihow.
Good advice. I remember occasions with my kids where horses in fields would come over to see us, I guess that's a sign of happiness ?

The judge too was immaculately turned out.

Carriage riding took place next.

I also took some video of the carriage riding.

Maybe the accompanying music isn't quite equine, but it fitted my editing.


The horse show continued, but the arrival of the first of the lorries on the Ayrshire Commercial Vintage Vehicle Road Run took me away.

If a lot of pictures of old and newer commercial road vehicles turns you off then I'd suggest you ignore my next post.


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