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Showing posts with label The great Britain V. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The great Britain V. Show all posts

Saturday, 28 April 2012

Steam in Stranraer April 2012

N.B. A health check update for my kind and considerate subscribers who have been sending their best wishes. The good news is that I haven't got kidney stones. The bad news is I have an enlarged prostate gland causing my bladder to back up and give me kidney pain. As a temporary measure, I've been put on tablets to try to shrink the gland, but will ultimately need laser or conventional surgery to correct the problem.
It's been another health issue that's caused the lack of activity on the blog, I'm just getting over a relapse of a chest infection. I will endeavor to catch up with your blog posts.  

I was lucky enough to get footage the last time the steam engines came to Stranraer.

It's almost 12 minutes of video. If you find it boring, at least move the slider nearer the end and watch the trains departure.
Since it was blowing a gale, I've added some music to soften the sound of the wind. The music is 'Moments of Splendour' by Howard Green.

On Wednesday the 25th of April 2012, two steam engines, part of an eight day trip by 'The Railway Touring Company' arrived in Stranraer for only the second time since 1966. The two engines were Black 5's 45305 The Great Britain V and 45407 The Lancashire Fusilier (As an ex L.F that was brilliant for me)

Below are some of the pictures I took.

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Morning deer

Morning deer
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