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Showing posts with label mist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mist. Show all posts

Thursday, 10 January 2013

Barrhill Woods Phone Mast Walk - January 2013

Thursday the 10th of January 2013

I'm trying to shake off a cold, sore throat and phlegmy (I know there's no such word, but it suits me) cough, so I'm off up to the phone mast.

I'm heading over the frosty fields by Barbuchany.
A rusty bucket's my first picture today.

Once I'm up at the mast it's still misty, but clearing. I don't have to wait long before a window in the mist opens.

There's a thin ribbon of a view between the low cloud and the mist below.

I've uploaded the short panorama to both Clevr and Panogio

That's Larg Hill and Lamachan in view. Newton Stewart's down in that mist.

Now to the north east the mist is clearing. I spot a distant farm that I think must be 'Risk' since it's in that direction. 

As I zoom in I realize that it's not Risk but is Barncaughla

I keep zooming in for a few pictures.

As I've said before, I don't need an extra zoom lens with my Powershot SX40HS

I move over to the east to overlook the river.

I set the video running as I have a coffee

I think the tide's just turning

The A75 has the occasional convoy passing.

Heading back into town.

My next door neighbours feeder finishes the pictures today.
I should be OK to lead Saturday's walk up Knockdolian

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Mist Rolling In From The Sea

Monday the 6th of February and the sun is shining.
I'll go out and take some pictures and video.
Driving up the Queensway into the Galloway Forest Park I'd noticed some mist coming in to the south.
I parked up and climbed Craigdistant Hill, just on the fringe of the forest.

To the north the Minnigaff Hills looked resplendent 

On my way up Craigdistant I could see the mist coming in 

I disturbed a few sheep, but they soon settled as I found a rock to perch on

To the south east stood Cairnsmore and Craignelder.
Craignelder's on the Rambler's summer programme with me as leader 

The sky's busy today

A wispy cloud drifts over Cairnsmore's lower slopes

Time to take a panorama

Over towards Newton Stewart the mist is rolling up the River Cree

I'm sitting on a nice dry rock as the sun shines, enjoying a cup of hot coffee

I got roughly forty five minutes of video footage, this is it speeded up to just over one minute.

Below me here it's rolling up the Palnure Burn and ..............

......................Bargaly Glen

Another shot looking over to Wigtown and the Machars.
Knock Fell to the west, although only a small hill always makes for a good landmark

Out in Wigtown Bay the mist seems to be building up on itself

After three quarters of an hour it's starting to push up the hills

It'll be up here with me soon, time to call it a day I guess
A noisy skein of geese heralded my leaving the hill
It's been a really enjoyable hour

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Misty,Wispy and Forest Green

Tuesday the 7th of November 2011.
The mist never lifted all day.I took myself up to the forest for a walk round Glenamour and Wee Glenamour Lochs.
I found plenty to photograph.
I hope blog readers get as much enjoyment viewing them as I got taking them.


Little Glenamour

Last one below.
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Morning deer

Morning deer
is someone watching me