This post will be light on description since it's late. Tuesday the 9th of March,and since we're doing quite a bit of climbing with the ramblers this summer,I need to get in trim.
Opening the map randomly, Cairnsmore of Dee(also known as Black Craig of Dee) and Benniguinea were the first hills I saw.
I've climbed up here with the Wigtownshire Ramblers,but I seem to have mislaid the post.(I've found it now,it was back in August 2008 and it's here
Previous WalkI'm doing it in reverse today.The last picture will be a map of my route

Parked at Raiders Road car park Clatteringshaws end.Forest road to 'The Labyrinth'

Part of Art in the Forest,it must have running water in the summer season.

Laggan O'Dee farm.

Still plenty of frost about.

Over the Laggan Burn.

As I gain height I take a picture of Benniguinea.

North of the 'Rig of Craig Gilbert' a couple of stone piles at the bottom right of this picture.

First glimpse of Clatteringshaws.

Ascending from this side there's lots of rocky outcrops.

The summit of Black Craig of Dee.

A couple of self indulgent ten second delay pictures.I took some video that I may upload some time.

Views over to Dalry,New Galloway and Balmaclellann.

A very frozen Lochan.

Clatteringshaws again,beyond Benniguinea.

A lorry with a topped up trailer heads along the Queensway.

Snow topped Galloway Hills.

The mast on Benniguinea.

There's no recognised path,but the drystane dyke goes all the way back to the Raiders Road.I'll chance it.

Reaching Clatteringshaws Fell,my two hills are behind me.Animal tracks have helped a little,but much of the way from Benniguinea has been boggy and tussocky.Heavy going.

Lovely views over Clatteringshaws...

...and this is the way I went.
Not too taxing a day.
Spring is sprung by the look of it down there Jim.Gorgeous day in Glasgow today and the sun actually radiated a little heat :)