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Showing posts with label Benniguinea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Benniguinea. Show all posts

Thursday, 27 June 2013

A hill recce, a sunset, a moon and a stroll. June 2013

I meant to post some of these pictures last week, but the good weather's had me outside.
It's raining today.
The first set of pictures were taken during a recce I did with the 'Teacher' and 'Spike' up to Cairnsmore (also called Blackcraig) of  Dee.
We started the walk at the car park opposite Clatteringshaws dam on the Black Water of Dee.
The above picture is part of the 'Art in the Forest' project and is called the Labyrinth.

Forest road for the first couple of kilometres. 
Scotland's beef and dairy farmers are very meticulous about health and hygiene rules and young calves aren't long in getting ear tags.

Reaching Laggan O' Dee we came upon these deer.

The herd's stag had a wary eye on us.

It's a tough climb up Blackcraig of Dee, but there's plenty interesting stuff growing. This is Butterwort.

Fir Clubmoss ? and Cotton Grass

Can't remember what this is.

Cairnsmore of Dee summit.

A long zoom to Earlstoun Loch.
From the top of Cairnsmore of Dee we descended down to the Nick of Benniguinea before climbing to the mast on the hill of the same name.

Nest building ? It doesn't look like a worm.

A well deserved lunch break.

View to Craignell

Clatteringshaws dam.
The descent to the car park via the drystone wall from the summit of Benniguinea is best to be avoided. My previous climb down here was when the ground was frozen. Tussocks, bogs, deep holes and channels were plentiful. We'll come down by road and forest track on walk day. 
End of recce pictures

A couple of days after the summer solstice I took this from my back garden......................

.................the next night, the moon, at 10.50 pm.

Wednesday the 26th June
A walk up to Glenamour Loch.
After the extended winter it's amazing how summer has caught up...........the grass is high.

Rhododendron blooms are almost past their best

The lily pads are ripe

Damsel flies are everywhere

I can't seem to get a really sharp close up

But of course I have a lens problem

I changed settings and somehow managed to take the picture below of the scratch on my outer lens.
I did have a go at buffing this scratch out but after a short while I noticed I was taking a tinted coat off, so that wont work. Just had a reply from the camera workshop that Canon will only supply the complete optical unit. £160 plus VAT comes to £192. Guess who's on the lookout for a new camera.

I'm still getting good pictures when I zoom through and beyond the scratch. 

It's a great day for taking photographs

This was the closest I could get to this dragonfly without falling in the loch

There are lots of Water Lilies

A close up shows they all have some small creature busily collecting the pollen or resting

Glenamour Loch is a most peaceful place on a warm summer's day

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Black Craig of Dee and Benniguinea

N.B This post will be light on description since it's late.

Tuesday the 9th of March,and since we're doing quite a bit of climbing with the ramblers this summer,I need to get in trim.
Opening the map randomly, Cairnsmore of Dee(also known as Black Craig of Dee) and Benniguinea were the first hills I saw.
I've climbed up here with the Wigtownshire Ramblers,but I seem to have mislaid the post.(I've found it now,it was back in August 2008 and it's here Previous Walk
I'm doing it in reverse today.The last picture will be a map of my route
Parked at Raiders Road car park Clatteringshaws end.Forest road to 'The Labyrinth'
Part of Art in the Forest,it must have running water in the summer season.
Laggan O'Dee farm.
Still plenty of frost about.
Over the Laggan Burn.
As I gain height I take a picture of Benniguinea.
North of the 'Rig of Craig Gilbert' a couple of stone piles at the bottom right of this picture.
First glimpse of Clatteringshaws.

Ascending from this side there's lots of rocky outcrops.
The summit of Black Craig of Dee.
A couple of self indulgent ten second delay pictures.I took some video that I may upload some time.
Views over to Dalry,New Galloway and Balmaclellann.
A very frozen Lochan.
Clatteringshaws again,beyond Benniguinea.
A lorry with a topped up trailer heads along the Queensway.
Snow topped Galloway Hills.

The mast on Benniguinea.
There's no recognised path,but the drystane dyke goes all the way back to the Raiders Road.I'll chance it.
Reaching Clatteringshaws Fell,my two hills are behind me.Animal tracks have helped a little,but much of the way from Benniguinea has been boggy and tussocky.Heavy going.
Lovely views over Clatteringshaws...
...and this is the way I went.
Not too taxing a day.
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Morning deer

Morning deer
is someone watching me