It's Saturday the 18th of September 2010 and todays walk is a circular walk starting at Portpatrick.
It was a nice warm morning in Newton Stewart,but arriving at Portpatrick more clothes had to be donned...very cold and breezy.
The weather forecast I'd looked at had made me optimistic of a nice dry walk.As it happened it was blustery and rainy for most of the walk...once again Galloway weather pleasing itself.

There were 21 of us as we began the walk from the south end car park.
The first section was along the track of the old railway line,the back of Dunskey Castle and the caravan parks before leaving the village in an easterly direction.
The car and tree above were the most photogenic things on this section.I daren't upload a certain ramblers facial contortions I snapped...more than my life's worth.
Moving through the Dunskey Estate we come to the listed buildings of Dunskey home farm.Is that a bell tower ?
A short break allows the back markers to catch up.This is the main entrance to the Dunskey estate.Next we crossed the B738 and headed northwards on a farm track towards Dinvin and Auchenree.
While moving up this track,an estate land-rover with two gamekeepers or something of that ilk stopped us to enquire our reasons for heading this way.Our walk leader calmly told them of our route and the permission she'd received from a particular farmer.If they'd approached me with the same menacing tone,I doubt that I'd been as know my thoughts on this subject,too many people are trying to challenge Scotlands 'Right to Roam' law and too many 'Private No Entry' signs are going up.
My main camera stayed in it's case throughout todays walk,hence no great pictures.
Now we're heading to the North Rhins Windfarm at Craigenlee Fell.
We take lots of pictures up here...
...thanks to Scoop for the above.
To show the perspective,I had to stitch (not very well either) two pictures together.
These are 70 metres high with the blades having a 40 metre diameter revolution.
A bleak granite quarry near Craigskelly allows us some relief from the weather for our first break.
Back on the move and the weather's not improving.
Proof that the windfarm is in production.I've no idea why this sign tickles me !
Now we're overlooking Knockquhassen reservoir.I erroneously pointed out a hill to the left as being Slewtrain Hill.I was wrong it's the one at the other side in the above picture.
It's significance in this blog is that it began a trend.Isn't that right Slew ?

At this point we now join the SUW,the Southern Upland Way.We were along this section back in January.
January Walk Above is one of last years 'Waymerks',this year another batch have gone out.
See here
We're again heading west.As well as beef stock,frogs and sheep we get lucky and see Peregrine falcons.
Beyond Knock and Maize now we again come to the A738.These horses I do believe are Clydesdale.
Now heading towards Killantringan Lighthouse.
Killantringan Fell is to the south,and it's quite astonishing that our group have never been up to it's trigpoint.
Watch this space!
Now we're on the coastal path with the wreck of the Craigantlet showing prominently.
Thanks to for the small original thumbnail.
After climbing back up to the clifftop above Portavaddie we had our second break.A short break in the bad weather was much appreciated.Still no sign of basking sharks though.
Thanks again to Scoop for the above picture.
We're nearing the headland at Catebraid now.
Now we're coming to Lairds Bay.
The chained walkway is slippy from the rain and progress is steady and safe.These bays are Port Kale and Port Mora on the OS map,but locally known as Lairds and Sandeel Bays.
I've blogged these caves before.
2008 VisitThere's no sign of the weather improving.Large black clouds are looming and the group are now in a haste to finish the walk.
There's been nothing strenuous about todays walk,but we're a stretched out group as we get back to a rather deserted Portpatrick.
A longish walk of which better weather would have enhanced,but the company was as usual the best.
I`ve always liked that wee beach just to the south of the lighthouse.Is it Portmaggie or something like that ? The wee cottage that sits down the track at the beach is my idea of heaven.!
Yes it's Portmaggie Alex.
ReplyDeleteStanding down there at the waters edge when the waves are crashing in gives you a mental picture of how it must have been when the Craigantlet was floundering offshore.
I think the fishermens cottage is still in regular use.