Tuesday 15 March 2011

Loch of the Lowes and Drumlawhinnie Loch March 2011

Monday the 14th of March 2011.
I'm having a wee walk in the forest today.
N.B.Here's a link to the UK's biggest forest park.
After parking up on the Queensway, I've made my way up to here...
...the Old Edinburgh road.

An exploration into the forest brings me to a small summit.Only deer and bird tracks around,it looks like I'm the first human for a while to visit Greencairn.
A sign for the mountain bikers.I like the grid reference in the top right hand corner.At least I know exactly where I am.

Now I'm at Drumlawhinnie Loch.

I see something moving on the far side.
I can't get close enough to recognise it.It think might be a buzzard,but maybe it's a hen harrier or a red kite.

No matter how quietly I go,I always disturb what I'm looking at.One of these days I'll learn to have patience.Whatever it is is now at the top of this tree.

I took the above picture on my way back.The sun being lower in the sky enhanced the reflection in the loch.

Next I make my way through piles of freshly cut trees.The tree feller's busy on his machine.A logging truck driver loads himself with the Hiab mounted on his truck.I should've taken a video,it's a skillful operation.
Now I'm at the Loch of the Lowes.

I've managed to disturb three pairs of ducks,but I can see some activity across the far side.

It's a family of Goldeneye diving ducks.
Time to get the video camera out,though it'll be on full zoom.

I love the way they greet each other.Wonderful to watch.

As I retrace my steps,the sun's getting lower in the sky.
Silhouetted against the western sky is one of the numerous wind farms we now have.
A short but very pleasant walk.


  1. it looks as though you had a lovely walk. I love those mossy mounds in the woods.

  2. It was a really nice walk Tammie,could be a next winter walk for my walking group.Mossy mounds we have in abundance,some even look alive.


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